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Buckeye Buh Nim;805697; said:
OK, name the course you would most like to play in

the US
the World

For me

Double Eagle
For me I would love to play at
Muirfield (Jack's place. What more could you ask for?)
Firestone ( I have heard nice things about it.)
Augusta National (so much history and beauty)
St. Andrews ( 600 years of history)
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I played in a league at the Phoenix. Total shithole. It has some potential, but as others have said, they don't spend much money on maintinance and it gets beat up. The layout is a little goofy and the bunkers and greens get destroyed. When the wind is coming from the north (thankfully not often) it will make you sick.

Courses I would like to play

Columbus - Scioto
Ohio - Inverness, or Canterbury
US - Pine Valley, Augusta, Bandon Dunes
World- I have heard there is a really nice course up in the Himalayas, If you show up at the right time, you may get paired up with the Dali Lama himself.
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Ohio State University questions new golf course proposal

An Ohio State University proposal to buy a new golf course as an academic laboratory is getting a cool reception from university trustees.

Ohio State?s Agricultural Technical Institute wants to buy the 193-acre Hawks Nest Golf Club near Wooster and use it to train future landscapers and golf course managers. OSU owns two golf courses, and trustees questioned adding a third.Ohio State University questions new golf course proposal

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Buckeye Buh Nim;812584; said:
IIRC, doesn't OSU have a PGA major?

Also I have always heard that Hawks Nest is a nice track. can anyone here comment?
Do you mean event (for PGA Major) or degree (Course management)?

If the former - the Nationwide event Children's Hospital International is to be played on the Scarlet course this year - and every future year.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Nationwide, The Ohio State University, the PGA TOUR and Columbus Children's Hospital announced Wednesday the creation of the Nationwide Children's Hospital Invitational, a new annual stop on the Nationwide Tour, to be played July 9-15, 2007 at The Ohio State University Golf Club -- Scarlet Course.
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sandgk;812596; said:
Do you mean event (for PGA Major) or degree (Course management)?

If the former - the Nationwide event Children's Hospital International is to be played on the Scarlet course this year - and every future year.

I mean a degree. I know about the Nationwide Event. Does the Nationwide tour even have "majors"

Here, I found out about the degree...

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Hardest course I have ever played had to be Oak Tree in Edmond, OK (right outside OK City) during the '84 US Amateur. The main problem, other than the course was way too tough, was the weather. Between 103 and 108 for a high the whole week I was there.
Someone mentioned The Bear - played it in when it was fairly new - a couple of the par 4s were unreachable due to the 30 mph wind that day, but it wasn't super tough.
Scioto is every bit as tough as Muirfield Village, and the classiest place I have ever been to.
Second toughest might have to be the West course at Greenleaf Village, in Haines City, Florida. At the time ('82) it was considered super-long (about 7400 and change from the back tees) and I couldn't hit it far enough back then to really play it from the back tees.

Places I would love to play:
#1 has to be Pine Valley
#2 The Old Course - then on to Carnoustie and Royal Dornoch
Would have loved to have played Augusta before they ruined it.
Cypress Point and Pebble Beach, of course
The courses up in Kohler, WI. Blackwolf Run River Course and Whistling Straights, especially.
And the courses out at Bandon Dunes in Oregon
Camargo down in Cincinnati as well
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NightmaresDad;812804; said:
Hardest course I have ever played had to be Oak Tree in Edmond, OK (right outside OK City) during the '84 US Amateur. The main problem, other than the course was way too tough, was the weather. Between 103 and 108 for a high the whole week I was there.

Wasn't that the course where on one of the holes there used to be a hangman's noose dangling from a tree???
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