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Just out of curiousity, has anyone played the Phoenix Golf Links on 104? It seems like the worst possible location to have a golf course: smack dab between 71 and 104, a mile up the road from the Franklin County Corrections Facility, ditto for the waste water treatment plant. Also, the Anamax plant just north on 104 is getting nailed for the aromas coming out of it.

Is it as bad as it seems like it should be?
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Bucky Katt;807716; said:
Just out of curiousity, has anyone played the Phoenix Golf Links on 104? It seems like the worst possible location to have a golf course: smack dab between 71 and 104, a mile up the road from the Franklin County Corrections Facility, ditto for the waste water treatment plant. Also, the Anamax plant just north on 104 is getting nailed for the aromas coming out of it.

Is it as bad as it seems like it should be?


Watch out for the lateral human waste hazard. There's a drop zone though...
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Bucky Katt;807716; said:
Just out of curiousity, has anyone played the Phoenix Golf Links on 104? It seems like the worst possible location to have a golf course: smack dab between 71 and 104, a mile up the road from the Franklin County Corrections Facility, ditto for the waste water treatment plant. Also, the Anamax plant just north on 104 is getting nailed for the aromas coming out of it.

Is it as bad as it seems like it should be?

I've played it. It's built on top of a trash dump. Not that bad although when I played it last year it was as dry and brown as a desert.
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Thump;807724; said:
I've played it. It's built on top of a trash dump. Not that bad although when I played it last year it was as dry and brown as a desert.


WTF? Up here in Y-Town they've turned a lot of old strip mining areas into golf courses, but I've never heard of landfills becoming courses. Don't know why I think the description of this course is so funny, but it is...
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Columbus-Muirfield or Scioto
the US-Augusta National, Pebble or Pine Valley
the World-St. Andrews, Carnoustie, or Troon

Ok another question what is the hardest course that you have ever played?

For me in no particular order-

Scarlet-right after a US Open qualifier in the 80's. Rough was 4-6 inches and the greens were like glass. I think I shot a 74 but some of the shots I hit were unreal. I holed out from 2-3 bunkers and got up and down too many times to count. My score could have easily been 10 strokes worse.

The Bear-In Traverse City, Michigan. The resort owner asked Jack Nicklaus to design and build him the hardest golf course in the world and Jack complied. The course has been "dumbed down" since then but I remember the slope being some ridiculous number like 158, 159, 160. Only played the front nine and shot a 40. I was in one green-side bunker all day and you couldn't see me from the green. My playing partner only saw the the club from the top of the back swing. The green was a good 8-10 feet above the bunker. I was more lucky than good that day....

Bethpage Black- got to play it 4-6 weeks before the Open. It was ridiculous then and I can imagine the fun it was during "Open Week." The day I played it the wind was howling at 20-30 mph and it was impossible to get the ball to stay on the green downwind. In fact on one hole as I got ready to putt the ball started oscillating and the wind blew the putt 2-3 feet off line. On number 10 I smacked a drive and didn't hit it hard enough even to reach the fairway. I asked the club pro what the scores would had been if the tourney was played that day. He told me the average score would have been in the high 70's if not in the low 80's. Of the four guys I teed off with I was the only one to break 100 with a 94. Very humbling experience.....
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Saw31;807728; said:

WTF? Up here in Y-Town they've turned a lot of old strip mining areas into golf courses, but I've never heard of landfills becoming courses. Don't know why I think the description of this course is so funny, but it is...

Looks better than a huge trash dump along a busy interstate just short of a major metropolitan area.

Here's a link to the course:

Upvote 0
Wingate1217;807732; said:
Columbus-Muirfield or Scioto
the US-Augusta National, Pebble or Pine Valley
the World-St. Andrews, Carnoustie, or Troon

Ok another question what is the hardest course that you have ever played?

For me in no particular order-

Scarlet-right after a US Open qualifier in the 80's. Rough was 4-6 inches and the greens were like glass. I think I shot a 74 but some of the shots I hit were unreal. I holed out from 2-3 bunkers and got up and down too many times to count. My score could have easily been 10 strokes worse.

The Bear-In Traverse City, Michigan. The resort owner asked Jack Nicklaus to design and build him the hardest golf course in the world and Jack complied. The course has been "dumbed down" since then but I remember the slope being some ridiculous number like 158, 159, 160. Only played the front nine and shot a 40. I was in one green-side bunker all day and you couldn't see me from the green. My playing partner only saw the the club from the top of the back swing. The green was a good 8-10 feet above the bunker. I was more lucky than good that day....

Bethpage Black- got to play it 4-6 weeks before the Open. It was ridiculous then and I can imagine the fun it was during "Open Week." The day I played it the wind was howling at 20-30 mph and it was impossible to get the ball to stay on the green downwind. In fact on one hole as I got ready to putt the ball started oscillating and the wind blew the putt 2-3 feet off line. On number 10 I smacked a drive and didn't hit it hard enough even to reach the fairway. I asked the club pro what the scores would had been if the tourney was played that day. He told me the average score would have been in the high 70's if not in the low 80's. Of the four guys I teed off with I was the only one to break 100 with a 94. Very humbling experience.....

I've actually heard that the Black Diamond in Millersburg, OH is tough as fuck!!
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Buckeye Buh Nim;805697; said:
OK, name the course you would most like to play in

the US
the World

For me

Double Eagle
Carnoustie (because I am a glutton for punishment, but I think I could best Jean Van Deweld's meltdown on 18)

Muirfield (already played it, but i'd play there again in a heartbeat)
Firestone (south course i believe is the tourney course)
Augusta National
any of the courses in Ireland
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Buckeye Buh Nim;807703; said:
Some US courses to consider

Augusta National (obvious choice)
Pebble Beach
Whistling Straits
Black Wolf Run
TPC at Sawgrass
Trumps new course (supposed to be awesome)
Beth Page Black (think Carnoustie American Style)

sometime in the next few years i hope to get up to Wiscy to play those courses. they look amazing!
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Wingate1217;807732; said:
Ok another question what is the hardest course that you have ever played?

without a doubt TPC Sawgrass. we wanted a challenge so we ignored the tee markers and played it two paces from the back of the tips. tiger woods golf does that course no justice.
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Bucky Katt;807716; said:
Just out of curiousity, has anyone played the Phoenix Golf Links on 104? It seems like the worst possible location to have a golf course: smack dab between 71 and 104, a mile up the road from the Franklin County Corrections Facility, ditto for the waste water treatment plant. Also, the Anamax plant just north on 104 is getting nailed for the aromas coming out of it.

Is it as bad as it seems like it should be?

I have played it quite a few times. Links style without a significant body of water. Open, Bentgrass. Because it is on top of the old landfill and there are no trees, wind is always a significant factor. There is always a drivable par 4.

The layout is just goofy. I am not a fan of the way they switched the front and back 9. It means that you have about a half mile walk from the 18th green back to the clubhouse.

I have played there in the Shamrock Club outing over the past couple of years. For the price it ain't bad. The advantadge is because I live close to 71, it is very easy to get to.
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Wingate1217;807732; said:
Columbus-Muirfield or Scioto
the US-Augusta National, Pebble or Pine Valley
the World-St. Andrews, Carnoustie, or Troon

Ok another question what is the hardest course that you have ever played?

For me in no particular order-

Scarlet-right after a US Open qualifier in the 80's. Rough was 4-6 inches and the greens were like glass. I think I shot a 74 but some of the shots I hit were unreal. I holed out from 2-3 bunkers and got up and down too many times to count. My score could have easily been 10 strokes worse.

The Bear-In Traverse City, Michigan. The resort owner asked Jack Nicklaus to design and build him the hardest golf course in the world and Jack complied. The course has been "dumbed down" since then but I remember the slope being some ridiculous number like 158, 159, 160. Only played the front nine and shot a 40. I was in one green-side bunker all day and you couldn't see me from the green. My playing partner only saw the the club from the top of the back swing. The green was a good 8-10 feet above the bunker. I was more lucky than good that day....

Bethpage Black- got to play it 4-6 weeks before the Open. It was ridiculous then and I can imagine the fun it was during "Open Week." The day I played it the wind was howling at 20-30 mph and it was impossible to get the ball to stay on the green downwind. In fact on one hole as I got ready to putt the ball started oscillating and the wind blew the putt 2-3 feet off line. On number 10 I smacked a drive and didn't hit it hard enough even to reach the fairway. I asked the club pro what the scores would had been if the tourney was played that day. He told me the average score would have been in the high 70's if not in the low 80's. Of the four guys I teed off with I was the only one to break 100 with a 94. Very humbling experience.....

The hardest course I have played is probably the Scarlet in the Summer right after the rennovation. A 7200 yd par 70 is just ridiculous. That and they seemed to put a bunker right at abour where the average right handed golfer is going to put their drive. And the bunkers are deep and punitive.

Add to the fact that I walked and played on the hottest day of the year, and it was brutal.
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Thump;807751; said:
Looks better than a huge trash dump along a busy interstate just short of a major metropolitan area.

Here's a link to the course:


That doesn't look bad at all. Looks like number 9 is the only hole with any real treeage. Some good length from the tips. Some elevation changes and some tough uneven lies the way it looks. Can't really tell what kind of shape it's in or how the greens are from the pics, but it looks like a pretty nice links course. I do have to question the 19th hole though. Nothing wrong with drinking on a patio, but what if you get rained delayed? Doesn't look like there's a place to drink beer inside the pro shop...
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Saw31;807812; said:
That doesn't look bad at all. Looks like number 9 is the only hole with any real treeage. Some good length from the tips. Some elevation changes and some tough uneven lies the way it looks. Can't really tell what kind of shape it's in or how the greens are from the pics, but it looks like a pretty nice links course. I do have to question the 19th hole though. Nothing wrong with drinking on a patio, but what if you get rained delayed? Doesn't look like there's a place to drink beer inside the pro shop...

The have a separate dining area from the Pro Shop. Patio issue is that right handed players who hook their shots and left handed players who cut them have been known to hit in that vicinity. (especially after a couple of shots of Bushmill on the tee box)

The course faces the same issue so many courses do. It gets a ton of play which is good for the books, but bad for the greens, fairways, etc.... and people have a tendancy to mistreat it a bit.
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