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I have only played once this year, which was out in Arizona during the NC. Probably will not play again until a gold outing in May. Really hard to get out to play golf when you live in the city. You pretty much have to make a day out of it if you plan on going out to the burbs and playing a nice course.
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THEWOOD;805193; said:
Shamrock sucks. Darby is alright have not played there since I was at OSU so can not say what it is like now. Im not familiar with any courses in Ohio anymore but I remember Blackhawk was a nice track back in the day.

i don't care what the course is like as long as we win the $$$$
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Thump;805410; said:
Trying to remember some guys from Tri-Valley back then.

Ryan Smith was one. Larry Welch was the coach. He's a good guy, goes to my family's church.

I remember a Brian (prob a couple years younger than you), and a couple of brothers (one prob 3-4 years than the others)

Very descriptive I know :tongue2:
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keeponrisin;805429; said:
I remember a Brian (prob a couple years younger than you), and a couple of brothers (one prob 3-4 years than the others)

Very descriptive I know :tongue2:

Ryan was a year older than me, graduated in 93. He had two younger brothers, Jeff and Joe.
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Thump;805489; said:
Ryan was a year older than me, graduated in 93. He had two younger brothers, Jeff and Joe.

I'm actually speaking for your team.
Can't remember Brian's last name, but I believe the brothers' last names were Peck.

Knew all of the Smiths, but unfortunately one of the twin brothers passed in a car accident last year. :(
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keeponrisin;805498; said:
I'm actually speaking for your team.
Can't remember Brian's last name, but I believe the brothers' last names were Peck.

Knew all of the Smiths, but unfortunately one of the twin brothers passed in a car accident last year. :(

Yeah, the Smith's are my 2nd cousins.

Joe actually had a heart attack while driving his fiancee to work.

Brian Wilson probably.

Greg McPeck graduated with me in 94 and maybe had a younger brother who played.
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Thump;805502; said:
Yeah, the Smith's are my 2nd cousins.

Joe actually had a heart attack while driving his fiancee to work.

Brian Wilson probably.

Greg McPeck graduated with me in 94 and maybe had a younger brother who played.

Yea, was real sorry to hear of the family's loss.
Definitely Brian Wilson...actually went to daycare together growing up...good guy.
Small world Thump!
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THEWOOD;805193; said:
Shamrock sucks. Darby is alright have not played there since I was at OSU so can not say what it is like now. Im not familiar with any courses in Ohio anymore but I remember Blackhawk was a nice track back in the day.

Blackhawk is still a nice track. Probably one of the best non bent grass tracks in town. (behind Granville if you call that in town)

Shamrock is better than some courses in town (Safari, the Airport, and one or two others) but that isn't saying much.
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Buckeye Buh Nim;805597; said:
Blackhawk is still a nice track. Probably one of the best non bent grass tracks in town. (behind Granville if you call that in town)

Played in a gold outing at Blackhawk and wasn't too impressed. Wasn't a very long course and was pretty burnt up.

The people who work there act like they're running a country club and are somewhat prickish the time I was there.
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