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The 2020 College Football Season

Would the Bucks try and join the ACC or SEC for this season? Reverse the question, why would Clemson and Notre Dame want to have to play the Bucks to get to a CCG, or to get to the CFP? The top four in the SEC have the same reason to not want to play the Bucks, they’ve got enough problems without adding OSU to the equation. Meanwhile, the fighting Finkels are planning on playing in September. I can hear them now, UC, Ohio’s Bowl Team.
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Why the hate for Gene Smith on this? He's been every bit as much against the decision and "we want to play" as Day has been. What's the difference between them?
Agreed Gene isn’t “to blame” but I do fall in the camp that tOSU should absolutely throw their weight around more and Gene doesn’t seem to do that enough IMO. He’s a “let’s all get along” kind of guy and, while I appreciate his smooth, calm demeanor most of the time he needs to let a few “fuck this bullshit” kind of rants go every once in a while.
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Agreed Gene isn’t “to blame” but I do fall in the camp that tOSU should absolutely throw their weight around more and Gene doesn’t seem to do that enough IMO. He’s a “let’s all get along” kind of guy and, while I appreciate his smooth, calm demeanor most of the time he needs to let a few “fuck this bullshit” kind of rants go every once in a while.
At the end of the day Gene did what Gene always does.....Acquiesce.....
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On one hand I think I'll watch because it's college football.

Then I see pictures of Barbie, SEC this, SEC that, and realize I have no interest in that shit if the Bucks aren't playing for an opportunity to beat their asses.

At this point I hope no one can play. Flush it all and fuck it all.
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Agreed Gene isn’t “to blame” but I do fall in the camp that tOSU should absolutely throw their weight around more and Gene doesn’t seem to do that enough IMO. He’s a “let’s all get along” kind of guy and, while I appreciate his smooth, calm demeanor most of the time he needs to let a few “fuck this bullshit” kind of rants go every once in a while.

At the end of the day Gene did what Gene always does.....Acquiesce.....

THE Ohio State University is in a position to lead the B1G but instead we seem more interested in making sure we don't hurt anyone's feelings.

I'm sorry, but cancelling football season at Rutgers and Northwestern isn't remotely the same as doing it at Ohio State. To pretend we're all equal in this and allow a majority decision is crap.

Something this significant needs to be unanimous. If we can't all agree then those who choose to play can play while the others can opt out. It's workable unless egos get in the way.
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THE Ohio State University is in a position to lead the B1G but instead we seem more interested in making sure we don't hurt anyone's feelings.

I'm sorry, but cancelling football season at Rutgers and Northwestern isn't remotely the same as doing it at Ohio State. To pretend we're all equal in this and allow a majority decision is crap.

Something this significant needs to be unanimous. If we can't all agree then those who choose to play can play while the others can opt out. It's workable unless egos get in the way.
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Agreed Gene isn’t “to blame” but I do fall in the camp that tOSU should absolutely throw their weight around more and Gene doesn’t seem to do that enough IMO. He’s a “let’s all get along” kind of guy and, while I appreciate his smooth, calm demeanor most of the time he needs to let a few “fuck this bullshit” kind of rants go every once in a while.

100% this. It resonates for me as an attorney. I'm generally pretty calm and easy to get along with, but I'll flip the switch in a heartbeat if I think it is warranted and will benefit my client. Gene needed to flip that switch on this one. General statements of support is not enough when you're talking about canceling an entire season. To be fair, maybe he was more aggressive behind the scenes and the blame is misplaced.

But unless that's the case, I'm not pleased and the body of evidence to date shows he just caves. That statement regarding a delayed season was utter bullshit. I get trying to preserve some hope in the players and fans, but it's so out of touch with reality. Either we play this fall or we won't see Buckeye football until the fall of 2021... hopefully anyways, at this rate I don't rule out everyone canceling the world and just living in a bubble indefinitely.
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100% this. It resonates for me as an attorney. I'm generally pretty calm and easy to get along with, but I'll flip the switch in a heartbeat if I think it is warranted and will benefit my client. Gene needed to flip that switch on this one. General statements of support is not enough when you're talking about canceling an entire season. To be fair, maybe he was more aggressive behind the scenes and the blame is misplaced.

But unless that's the case, I'm not pleased and the body of evidence to date shows he just caves. That statement regarding a delayed season was utter bullshit. I get trying to preserve some hope in the players and fans, but it's so out of touch with reality. Either we play this fall or we won't see Buckeye football until the fall of 2021... hopefully anyways, at this rate I don't rule out everyone canceling the world and just living in a bubble indefinitely.

For all the cluster fuck that is the PR within the athletic department, I strongly believe that Gene works as a gentlemen in front of the cameras and is a complete bastard when the camera is not on him. There is something to be said for the weight tOSU and he can throw around. I think that he likely is judicious with how it is used for everyone’s benefit.
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For all the cluster fuck that is the PR within the athletic department, I strongly believe that Gene works as a gentlemen in front of the cameras and is a complete bastard when the camera is not on him. There is something to be said for the weight tOSU and he can throw around. I think that he likely is judicious with how it is used for everyone’s benefit.

If Smith is throwing his weight around and doing it properly we wouldn't be hearing about it.

This is no time for a public hussy fit.
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If Smith is throwing his weight around and doing it properly we wouldn't be hearing about it.

This is no time for a public hussy fit.

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For all the cluster fuck that is the PR within the athletic department, I strongly believe that Gene works as a gentlemen in front of the cameras and is a complete bastard when the camera is not on him. There is something to be said for the weight tOSU and he can throw around. I think that he likely is judicious with how it is used for everyone’s benefit.

Maybe that's the case, we'll likely never know. And I am cautious in criticizing those in power dealing with unprecedented circumstances. After I realized there's nothing he can do to lose his job, I've tried to approach his decisions on a case to case basis. If he went to bat for having a fall season and puts an honest effort into exploring alternative options of a delayed fall season, then he handled it right and the conference took it out of his hands. However, based on his statements, that doesn't seem to be the case.
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