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The 2020 College Football Season

This is coming from Jeff Snook: the guy who told us that the trustees were furious with Drake (gave him a glowing revue and his maximum bonus a couple of months later), that the Urban situation would crater OSU fundraising (we topped 500M for the first time the following year, which only a couple of other public universities had ever done) and that Jim Tressell was a serious candidate for President (wasn't given a nanosecond of thought much less interviewed).

I want football, but anyone who raises their expectations based on anything that comes out of Jeff Snook's chimp-like brain is setting themselves up for a grand and bitter disappointment.

Do you have the link to him talking about the fundraising? Douche bag is peddling his shit on Facebook....

Edit: I'm going to troll him a bit and see if he'll screw up :lol:
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As part of a practice model approved Wednesday by the NCAA's Division I Council, football teams that don't play this fall and plan to play in the spring will allowed to be conduct up to five hours per week of non-contact on-field drills, while the rest of 12 hours can be used for strength and conditioning workouts, meetings and film review. Athletes will be required to have two days off per week, and no more than four hours of team activities can be held in one day.

The model serves as a hybrid between the normal in-season model that allows teams to hold up to 20 hours of team activities per week and the offseason model that limits teams to eight hours of team activities per week.
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As part of a practice model approved Wednesday by the NCAA's Division I Council, football teams that don't play this fall and plan to play in the spring will allowed to be conduct up to five hours per week of non-contact on-field drills, while the rest of 12 hours can be used for strength and conditioning workouts, meetings and film review. Athletes will be required to have two days off per week, and no more than four hours of team activities can be held in one day.

The model serves as a hybrid between the normal in-season model that allows teams to hold up to 20 hours of team activities per week and the offseason model that limits teams to eight hours of team activities per week.

If no one is playing this is great. How frustrating it might be if others are playing games..it’s a smaller world now and these guys are going to have friends playing. This will have to be Day’s greatest coaching job.
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Just fuck this entire year.

Captain Bearcat

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Post: #2105
RE: Do you think there will be a 2020 college FB season?

(Yesterday 01:01 PM)dubcat14 Wrote: (Yesterday 09:51 AM)SeniorBearcat Wrote:

I don't know if Fickell is pushing these 'collaborations' but it's very cool to see and could pay dividends for future engagement in the state.
If we have a great season and manage to get in the conversation for the playoff, we could be the team that the whole Midwest rallies around.
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