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The 2020 College Football Season

As part of a practice model approved Wednesday by the NCAA's Division I Council, football teams that don't play this fall and plan to play in the spring...

I don't care how many times they say it I'm not buying Spring football. They're not having two seasons in one year, so the only thing that makes sense is a normal Fall season.

It's a pacifier to talk about it for now. Watch what happens as Spring draws closer.
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I don't care how many times they say it I'm not buying Spring football. They're not having two seasons in one year, so the only thing that makes sense is a normal Fall season.

It's a pacifier to talk about it for now. Watch what happens as Spring draws closer.
I want transparency for the players I kind of think the players are getting ignored at best or jerked around at worst.
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I want transparency for the players I kind of think the players are getting ignored at best or jerked around at worst.
I agree. I felt from the start that there wouldn't be a season this fall, and I still think the other three conferences will cancel before it's all said and done. But the way this was handled by the B1G is ridiculous. I just want them to be honest and tell us how they arrived at their decision and what was involved in making it. I think they owe that to the players who the most affected by their actions.
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I don't care how many times they say it I'm not buying Spring football. They're not having two seasons in one year, so the only thing that makes sense is a normal Fall season.

It's a pacifier to talk about it for now. Watch what happens as Spring draws closer.
I’m already seeing the “how many games can safely be played in a calendar year” language
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Well, they didn’t mean the revised fall schedule either
It’s not the not playing that’s going to hurt the Big 10 it’s having coaches and Ad’s promising one thing and the Conference is doing another. If you want to know what our President thinks about tOSU football she never comments ..it’s not important to her or worth her time...Gene says the President supports me ..
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I want transparency for the players I kind of think the players are getting ignored at best or jerked around at worst.

Recruits are watching this unfold.

Some conferences are doing everything they can to try to play, which most players want. Others are looking for reasons not to play so they can cover their own asses.

Who cares what the players want? The next thing you know they'll be organizing and making demands. Oh, wait...
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