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The 2020 College Football Season

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“I also was also told that one roadblock to the new plan is the fact that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been vehemently opposed to football being played."

Given what I've seen of her this isn't difficult to believe.
Her response to the pandemic has been all over the board. She claims to be using “scientific evidence” in her response. I’m not buying it for a minute, most of it has been pandering to her constituency.....I’m shocked I tell you shocked.....
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Her response to the pandemic has been all over the board. She claims to be using “scientific evidence” in her response. I’m not buying it for a minute, most of it has been pandering to her constituency.....I’m shocked I tell you shocked.....

Scientific evidence? The same scientific evidence that her husband tried to use to move to the front of the line to get their boat launched in spring?

Just checking to see if that’s the same stuff.
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Social media has gotten people to do dumb shit so many times before, let’s hope it can do so again.
If by "dumb shit" you mean comparing COVID to seasonal flu, refusing to mask up, refusing to keep distance, allowing bars and restaurants to open up, allowing huge parties on or near campuses, then yes, social media (of which Fox is a part) has gotten people to do dumb shit things. The "best and brightest" at Ohio State and Penn State have gathered in the hundreds, ignoring the obvious, and school has been opened for only a week. You want to blame someone, blame the people of Ohio who refused to listen to Dr. Alcott and Gov. DeWine.
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Apparently one of Oklahoma's position groups got wiped out by COVID. As much as I hate what's going on, the idea of having the season dangled and then effectively ripped away when you loose camp time for a whole position group or a few key players would maybe be shittier. Have to imagine some of those guys might either opt out of just decide to go pro after a scare.

The spring season is touted as time for the 'JV' squads, but it's not going to be much different for a lot of teams this fall either.

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Apparently one of Oklahoma's position groups got wiped out by COVID. As much as I hate what's going on, the idea of having the season dangled and then effectively ripped away when you loose camp time for a whole position group or a few key players would maybe be shittier. Have to imagine some of those guys might either opt out of just decide to go pro after a scare.

The spring season is touted as time for the 'JV' squads, but it's not going to be much different for a lot of teams this fall either.

And with that... the harbinger of death for D1 football fall ‘20 makes her appearance.
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If by "dumb shit" you mean comparing COVID to seasonal flu, refusing to mask up, refusing to keep distance, allowing bars and restaurants to open up, allowing huge parties on or near campuses, then yes, social media (of which Fox is a part) has gotten people to do dumb shit things. The "best and brightest" at Ohio State and Penn State have gathered in the hundreds, ignoring the obvious, and school has been opened for only a week. You want to blame someone, blame the people of Ohio who refused to listen to Dr. Alcott and Gov. DeWine.
I mostly meant that I thought Jaxbuck's phrasing was unintentionally funny, when he said that social media pressure has gotten people to do dumb shit before, but he's not getting his hopes up. Secondarily, of course, I meant that no one should listen to Dr. Alcott, as he or she is plainly an agent of the Illuminati.
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