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The 2020 College Football Season

It better be fast. I'm having a very hard time getting excited about these asshats leaving us in some no man's land where we play but start too late to be part of the CFP.

I remember a lot of seasons before the CFP or BCS. I'll take one of those over no season at all.
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... and let's take a peek at how things are going on campus at Bama... shall we?


According to the university’s COVID-19 dashboard, 566 cases of the virus have been reported since Aug. 19 — that’s over the course of just five days.

The notion that the football teams are in greater danger due to gen-pop students being on campus is very real. If football is anything like what we saw in lacrosse over the summer, ya ain't catching it because you're playing... you're catching it because of choices you're making when you leave practice.
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I mostly meant that I thought Jaxbuck's phrasing was unintentionally funny, when he said that social media pressure has gotten people to do dumb shit before, but he's not getting his hopes up. Secondarily, of course, I meant that no one should listen to Dr. Alcott, as he or she is plainly an agent of the Illuminati.

If something I said was funny, it wasn't unintentional.

Now, if it was wrong or stupid well, then chalk it up to a simple mistake.
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Now I really want to see those minutes. Still think it's about Covid?

Public universities, public money, FOI Act. Life's a bitch.

The Universities, save Northwestern, are public institutions, true. But, I'm not sure if the Counsel of Presidents is. It may be, I just don't know for sure. In the event that it isn't a public organization, then the public has no right to its deliberations.
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