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The 2020 College Football Season

First offensive play of the season is a 75 yard TD run by an Austin Peay running back not named Brian Snead.

According to the box score, Snead got a modest 43 yards on 16 carries.

I didn't watch the game, what is the "$ thing"?


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Students on campus is more risky than playing football. Players can be restricted, tested, and monitored. Students are gonna do what students do, yet we see which one the B1G cancelled.

"In recent days, students have shared photos on social media of crowds and lines outside of bars in Tuscaloosa, where the university is located. Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox responded by issuing an executive order to close bars for 14 days, from Aug. 24 to Sept. 8."
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Students on campus is more risky than playing football. Players can be restricted, tested, and monitored. Students are gonna do what students do, yet we see which one the B1G cancelled.

"In recent days, students have shared photos on social media of crowds and lines outside of bars in Tuscaloosa, where the university is located. Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox responded by issuing an executive order to close bars for 14 days, from Aug. 24 to Sept. 8."

You can't stop college kids from partying, Walt.

All you are doing is changing where.
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