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The 2020 College Football Season

The 11 provided plenty of cover for the 3.

They thought they were so wise, ahead of the curve. Others would follow if they got the ball rolling - only one major conference did (The MAC had to follow because they lost their cash cow games).

Now they've put themselves in a position of needing Covid outbreaks elsewhere to not look like reactionary fools if the season progresses without them.

Their Thanksgiving/January/Spring plans will look ridiculous as well if the others are moving along with normal seasons.
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CBS releases its early choices for Games of the Week. I’m certain they’ll fill in the rest as we get closer to the 26th

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LSU fans got to be secretly hoping for a shutdown at this point. :lol:

With Auburn and LSU, I'm wondering if the season gets cancelled. I highly doubt the SEC budges on reported cases alone, but if any case turns ugly I could see it happening. In any event, it's the first weekend in September and no Buckeye football to look forward to. Already felt that twinge in my stomach before now, but the reality is settling in now.
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