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The 2020 College Football Season

B1G needs 2 more teams to agree......

If those bitch made punks up north tap out and hide behind their governess's skirt, they are lower sacks of monkey spunk than I thought they were.

Besides those two we got Northwestern (won't happen), Rutgers (won't happen), Maryland, Minnesota, and Illinois. Of those I'd say Minny and the Illini are the best hopes.

The "leaders and best" don't do much leading these days.
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I'm guessing there's some contingency if Mom won't let the two bitches up north outside to play? The vote may pass (please!) but I think a school could choose to opt out, no?

One thing at a time, I guess.
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I'm guessing there's some contingency if Mom won't let the two bitches up north outside to play? The vote may pass (please!) but I think a school could choose to opt out, no?

One thing at a time, I guess.

So, to get the scheduled 10 games in starting Oct 10th, they're either going to have to end the regular season on Dec 26th or eliminate the two byes to finish on Dec 12th. Or, they can skip the first two scheduled games and play the last eight starting on Oct 10th, keep one of the two byes and place it in the middle (thus a nine-week schedule), and finish the regular season on Dec 5th.
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