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The 2020 College Football Season

A statement has to be worked regardless of what the decision is...they're not going to simply vote and say either, "we changed our minds" or "status quo".

The White House calling commissioner Kevin Warren on Monday night to set up a Tuesday-morning meeting where it offered the possibility of distributing some of its new, cheap, rapid Covid-19 tests is something completely different. It’s a bridge back to competition — and it’s maybe even cover for the botched rollout of the postponement by simply embracing the fact that the situation has changed since early August.

Apparently the White House (President Trump) offered the B1G some COVID-19 rapid tests, etc. If the B1G does decide to go with a fall season, maybe that can be at least one factor in the B1G's statement that justified their action.
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FWIW I don't see it happening.

I don't think it was postponed due to the Rona in the first place. There's no way the same group of people who literally ignited a national firestorm and opened themselves up to personal ridicule and criticism are going to allow football to go forward. It would absolutely annihilate any of the remaining myth of amateurism, which is EXACTLY what they were trying to avoid in the first place.
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FWIW I don't see it happening.

I don't think it was postponed due to the Rona in the first place. There's no way the same group of people who literally ignited a national firestorm and opened themselves up to personal ridicule and criticism are going to allow football to go forward. It would absolutely annihilate any of the remaining myth of amateurism, which is EXACTLY what they were trying to avoid in the first place.

I think the presidents that made the decision to "postpone" thought they would be universally applauded for protecting the student athlete while giving up an extraordinary amount of money. Instead, they've been clowned by anyone aware of the situation. Now that the breakdown of the vote is out they're also no longer anonymous.

If the reason to cancel truly was due to maintaining the myth of amateurism then I truly think the Nebraska and other pending lawsuits have scared them. If it's true and those lawsuits force that information to come out then there may be no recovering for the BIG.
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For a brief stretch of yesterday, it seemed the Big Ten's fall season didn't just have new life, but that it was now likely we'd see Big Ten football this fall.

Unfortunately, by the evening, most outlets were telling folks to – at best – not get their hopes up.

And Rittenberg's was one of the more optimistic reports. CBS Sports called a fall Big Ten season "a long shot," Yahoo! Sports reported that sources laughed at the idea of the conference playing immediately, and the Detroit Free Press had sources that were pretty damn emphatic.

The notion of the Big Ten reversing course on its Aug. 11 decree that postponed fall sports indefinitely invited scoffs and derisive remarks by some university power brokers with firsthand knowledge of those decisions.

“Laughable,” one told the Free Press on condition of anonymity.

“F--- no,” another said.

But hey, this shit seems to change by the hour, so I'll happily ride this rollercoaster a bit longer. It's a hell of a lot more fun than just sulking until Thanksgiving or January.

NCAA HATES FUN. It looks like the NCAA is going to kill what would have been the one potentially cool and good thing about a winter/spring college football season and ban early enrollees from playing.

On one hand, I get it. But on the other, this season doesn't count towards anyone's eligibility anyway, so what would letting them play be hurting? And there's a solid chance some teams' rosters are depleted by opt-outs anyway, so why not allow early enrollees to fill those gaps, especially when you'll need all the players you can get with potential quarantine situations?

More than any of that, this just would have been something genuinely cool and fun to look forward to about a spring/winter season that will otherwise suck compared to a normal season in pretty much every other way, and the NCAA stole it. Classic.
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Just sayin': We have no idea how adamant the 11 school presidents (who voted to not play) were about not playing. If the B1G starts football this fall, the number of games might depend on how may B1G teams actually play, i.e. it wouldn't surprise me to see some "opt out" (which would be OK).

I say that they hold another vote. This time, say that the first 9 to vote in favor of playing get to actually play. The other 5 get to watch. I think I saw that 6-7 teams are already on board, so the next 2-3 teams to flip get to play. Team #10, we'll see you in 2021. I think if it becomes an "every man for himself" thing, there's a "fear of missing out" thing. Set up an 8-game schedule - 4 home, 4 away. I think that would take 9-10 weeks with 1-2 byes. Sorry, but someone will have a bye week the first week. Here's a tissue that you can go cry into.

If they "opt out" then they should forfeit their share of revenue.

Absolutely agree. If you opted out of playing football, the only reason your hand better be out when it's time to hand out the profits is if you want to pull my finger.
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Oh the irony of some that posted how the southener Gubnors were pressuring schools to play for political reasons and how ignorant they were. Meanwhile, TTUN Dictator evidently did just that and now the B1G is a laughing stock and even high schools are playing, making it worse.
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Just sayin': We have no idea how adamant the 11 school presidents (who voted to not play) were about not playing. If the B1G starts football this fall, the number of games might depend on how may B1G teams actually play, i.e. it wouldn't surprise me to see some "opt out" (which would be OK).
Can we get some *cough*Rutgers*cough* to opt out permanently?
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You wonder if tOSU wasn’t so far above the other teams would they have more incentive to play. In 2021 Fields Olave Wade two OL and the LB gone. TOSU May be a little closer to the also rans.

I've given up trying to understand their motivation. It's probably more than one thing. Whatever the case, they don't seem the least bit phased by mockery and other conferences playing football.
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But as the presidents, chancellors, athletic directors, coaches and medical personnel continue to meet this week, the Big Ten will have Oct. 10 as a potential target date to consider. Multiple sources confirmed to Lettermen Row that early October is believed to be a workable option from the football perspective, and additional sources across the league indicated that it would need to be considered if there is already potential presidential approval for playing in November or January.

The question continues to be raised in deliberations without a clear answer: What actually makes the Thanksgiving plan safer than the winter/spring slate in January? Now there’s a new sibling to that argument since it’s hard to tell how there’s truly any difference between starting games in November or October.
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The question continues to be raised in deliberations without a clear answer: What actually makes the Thanksgiving plan safer than the winter/spring slate in January? Now there’s a new sibling to that argument since it’s hard to tell how there’s truly any difference between starting games in November or October.

There is no clear answer. It's an arbitrary date, and if they feel uncomfortable as it gets closer they'll change it again.

These people get paid $500,000+ annually to lead and make decisions. :roll1:
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