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The 2020 College Football Season

I wonder why a guy would call himself "Sir Yacht"?

Unless it's the most magnificent of sumbitches coming back into our lives to spread joy like only he can?
This may constitute a hint:

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So, to get the scheduled 10 games in starting Oct 10th, they're either going to have to end the regular season on Dec 26th or eliminate the two byes to finish on Dec 12th. Or, they can skip the first two scheduled games and play the last eight starting on Oct 10th, keep one of the two byes and place it in the middle (thus a nine-week schedule), and finish the regular season on Dec 5th.
I’m guessing 9 games starting on 10/10, 1 bye week, finishing on 12/12 with the CCG on 12/19.

12/20 is the current BCS selection date.
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I’m guessing 9 games starting on 10/10, 1 bye week, finishing on 12/12 with the CCG on 12/19.

12/20 is the current BCS selection date.

I'm still wondering if they choose a 10 game season and no title game. It's not like the CCG has been around forever and that's 6 more conference games.

Either way I don't like how long this supposed vote is taking. Doesn't feel like a "no news is good news" situation.
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I'm still wondering if they choose a 10 game season and no title game. It's not like the CCG has been around forever and that's 6 more conference games.

Either way I don't like how long this supposed vote is taking. Doesn't feel like a "no news is good news" situation.
Glass half-full - they’re preparing a press release to explain the change going back to fall football, and want to carefully craft something that won’t sound stupid?

If this happens, I’ll have to revise my opinion of Gene Smith’s effectiveness.
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Just sayin': We have no idea how adamant the 11 school presidents (who voted to not play) were about not playing. If the B1G starts football this fall, the number of games might depend on how may B1G teams actually play, i.e. it wouldn't surprise me to see some "opt out" (which would be OK).
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Just sayin': We have no idea how adamant the 11 school presidents (who voted to not play) were about not playing. If the B1G starts football this fall, the number of games might depend on how may B1G teams actually play, i.e. it wouldn't surprise me to see some "opt out" (which would be OK).
If they "opt out" then they should forfeit their share of revenue.
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