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The 2020 College Football Season

Mr. Yacht believes it was Kevin Warren. No doubt Gene has been fighting for the Bucks all along.

If this is true and Warren indeed is the impetus behind getting the season restored and started on Oct 10, and we actually play games, my opinion of him will turn a full 180.
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You really should've clicked on the link.

37 players test positive after first college football game of the season
I guess he's never gonna give it up...
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Way I see it...October 10th has always been the deadline in my eyes.

Warren just needs to come out and say real leadership is a willingness to listen and change. Walk this thing back, say new discussions, testing and protocols have come to light to safely make this happen. If 3-4 teams want to sit out, let them, just need 10. I figure they still have about 10-14 days before they need to announce.

Announcement around September 12

Camp - Monday Sept. 14 - Oct. 3 (3 Weeks). Games start October 10th.

6 division games, 3 cross-division games

October 10 - Week 1
October 17 - Week 2
October 24 - Week 3
October 31 - Week 4
November 7 - Week 5
November 14 - Bye/Open/Postponements
November 21 - Week 6
November 28 - Week 7
December 5 - Week 8
December 12 - Week 9
December 19 - Big Ten Champ

December 20 - CFP Selection

If it ain’t that then I’ll be hard pressed to care...only thing I’m interested in regarding the Buckeyes is The Game and/or burying Dabo Swinney this year. Otherwise, catch me waiting for Fall 2021.
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I say that they hold another vote. This time, say that the first 9 to vote in favor of playing get to actually play. The other 5 get to watch. I think I saw that 6-7 teams are already on board, so the next 2-3 teams to flip get to play. Team #10, we'll see you in 2021. I think if it becomes an "every man for himself" thing, there's a "fear of missing out" thing. Set up an 8-game schedule - 4 home, 4 away. I think that would take 9-10 weeks with 1-2 byes. Sorry, but someone will have a bye week the first week. Here's a tissue that you can go cry into.

Absolutely agree. If you opted out of playing football, the only reason your hand better be out when it's time to hand out the profits is if you want to pull my finger.

A variation of the prisoner’s dilemma applied to get fall football in the B1G. I like it. Keep going, you have my attention.
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Way I see it...October 10th has always been the deadline in my eyes.

Warren just needs to come out and say real leadership is a willingness to listen and change. Walk this thing back, say new discussions, testing and protocols have come to light to safely make this happen. If 3-4 teams want to sit out, let them, just need 10. I figure they still have about 10-14 days before they need to announce.

Announcement around September 12

Camp - Monday Sept. 14 - Oct. 3 (3 Weeks). Games start October 10th.

6 division games, 3 cross-division games

October 10 - Week 1
October 17 - Week 2
October 24 - Week 3
October 31 - Week 4
November 7 - Week 5
November 14 - Bye/Open/Postponements
November 21 - Week 6
November 28 - Week 7
December 5 - Week 8
December 12 - Week 9
December 19 - Big Ten Champ

December 20 - CFP Selection

If it ain’t that then I’ll be hard pressed to care...only thing I’m interested in regarding the Buckeyes is The Game and/or burying Dabo Swinney this year. Otherwise, catch me waiting for Fall 2021.
Unless I missed something they've already announced they will play nine games, I see only eight games total with a bye Nov 7th (week 5) to split the season into two four-game sections. This would give teams a needed break after not being able to have a full fall practice to gear up, to address any kinks in the system, and to also afford a week break before the CCG. Since it appears that both teams from that shithole up north will be playing, they can also move The Game to its rightful spot as the last regular season game.
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