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The 2020 College Football Season

Michigan State just went online only. Even told students planning to live in the dorms to stay home.

I still need someone to logically explain to me how a school can have sports without any students on campus. I mean, asking for a friend.
Conversely, OSU has orientation going on now, and in-person/hybrid classes starting next week. How can you have tens of thousands of students, faculty, and staff on campus and not play football??
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DeWine, not exactly reckless in reopening, just said HS football can proceed. B1G looking better and better.

That's what I thought, DeWine was one of the more cautious political leaders on the covid shutdown (whether to the delight or chagrin of Ohio residents). If he's letting HS football proceed, which has nowhere near the resources as Ohio State, there needs to be some real red flags on the B1G decision (aside from the million other red flags and lack of transparency).
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That's what I thought, DeWine was one of the more cautious political leaders on the covid shutdown (whether to the delight or chagrin of Ohio residents). If he's letting HS football proceed, which has nowhere near the resources as Ohio State, there needs to be some real red flags on the B1G decision (aside from the million other red flags and lack of transparency).
I don't disagree with the overall sentiment, but playing 6-8 games without leaving your county (which certainly can occur in Ohio's bigger County's) is a different logistical contemplation than is flying a team from Nebraska to New Jersey. The COVID landscape in, say Hamilton County, is the same all over Hamilton. The landscape between Lincoln, NE and New Brunswick NJ is quite different.
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I don't disagree with the overall sentiment, but playing 6-8 games without leaving your county (which certainly can occur in Ohio's bigger County's) is a different logistical contemplation than is flying a team from Nebraska to New Jersey. The COVID landscape in, say Hamilton County, is the same all over Hamilton. The landscape between Lincoln, NE and New Brunswick NJ is quite different.
Yes. But they are also HS kids (minors) not involved in a billion dollar industry that has comparatively unlimited resources. And I would venture that the HS players will be much less “bubbled” than a potential B1G team ever could be. Flying is the one thing that could be the great equalizer, but the NCAA or conferences could use a small portion of the TV money to charter planes to only those places not realistically reachable by ground transportation.

For the record, I think my posting history reflects that I’m not a virus minimizer or an open-it-all-upper by any stretch, but I am troubled by that fact a seemingly rash decision was made behind a cloak of secrecy that is not reflective of what even cautious leaders and experts seem to believe.
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We’re not dead just yet.

According to a report by Snook, Ohio State is trying to get 5 other B1G teams to break away and play a fall season with them.

This is coming from Jeff Snook: the guy who told us that the trustees were furious with Drake (gave him a glowing revue and his maximum bonus a couple of months later), that the Urban situation would crater OSU fundraising (we topped 500M for the first time the following year, which only a couple of other public universities had ever done) and that Jim Tressell was a serious candidate for President (wasn't given a nanosecond of thought much less interviewed).

I want football, but anyone who raises their expectations based on anything that comes out of Jeff Snook's chimp-like brain is setting themselves up for a grand and bitter disappointment.
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Yes. But they are also HS kids (minors) not involved in a billion dollar industry that has comparatively unlimited resources. And I would venture that the HS players will be much less “bubbled” than a potential B1G team ever could be. Flying is the one thing that could be the great equalizer, but the NCAA or conferences could use a small portion of the TV money to charter planes to only those places not realistically reachable by ground transportation.

For the record, I think my posting history reflects that I’m not a virus minimizer or an open-it-all-upper by any stretch, but I am troubled by that fact a seemingly rash decision was made behind a cloak of secrecy that is not reflective of what even cautious leaders and experts seem to believe.
Fair points. I don't disagree.
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Having taken a spin through the juggalo board, I've come away with a strong desire to see half that team on a ventilator by the end of September. Love you Fick. You'll always be a Buckeye. But juggalos still need to suffer for their sins.
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Having taken a spin through the juggalo board, I've come away with a strong desire to see half that team on a ventilator by the end of September. Love you Fick. You'll always be a Buckeye. But juggalos still need to suffer for their sins.

love ya, man...rooting for kids to go on ventilators is beneath you. you’re better than that. at least i hope you are.
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Having taken a spin through the juggalo board, I've come away with a strong desire to see half that team on a ventilator by the end of September. Love you Fick. You'll always be a Buckeye. But juggalos still need to suffer for their sins.

Here's my OSU regular season football dream for 2020:

Five other B1G schools do decided to play a season with us.
TTUN is one of those five schools.
PSU is not, just to see the BWI meltdown.
We play each of those 5 teams home and home (thereby beating TTUN twice in one season).
Our 11th game is a visit from the Juggalos, who need someone to replace Fredo on the schedule. :evil:

Likely? No. But let me have my dream if only for one day.
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Here's my OSU regular season football dream for 2020:

Five other B1G schools do decided to play a season with us.
TTUN is one of those five schools.
PSU is not, just to see the BWI meltdown.
We play each of those 5 teams home and home (thereby beating TTUN twice in one season).
Our 11th game is a visit from the Juggalos, who need someone to replace Fredo on the schedule. :evil:

Likely? No. But let me have my dream if only for one day.
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