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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)


C'mon texas make mathew ad.
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And maybe he'll bring Urban along!

Yep, because he is chomping at the bit to dive into an AD that just sent a strong message to the world that the big money boosters run the department.

I'm beginning to develop a hypothesis as to why Texas continually under-performs their level of resources. Basically, my hypothesis is that the boosters who are running the athletic department don't know dick about running an athletic department.
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Implying this isn't true almost everywhere

Not at Ohio State. Name one big time donor to Ohio State who gives to the athletic department in any significant way? Wexner? Ong? Lowrey? Moritz? or any other 8 figure donor? By and large our whales don't care about the foosball, and they certainly don't meddle in it. It was only last year that the AD received their very first 8 figure donation, and that was for just $10M exactly. Total AD donations are about 6% of total university donations annually. The last major athletic donor that I can name was Alex Schoenbaum (who had been a player), and John Cooper killed him.

That is diametrically opposite to the situation at UT where the schools most powerful donors are obsessed with the foosball to the point of inviting the team out to their ranches every Summer. When's the last time that Wexner had the foosball players out to New Albany for a cookout?
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