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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

Entire place is a dumpster fire right now. The foosball and the AD in general. They're still fighting off an admissions scandal, and all the top-tier candidates in their Presidential search withdrew leaving them no choice but to hand the job to a retread from the previous administration.
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Then there is this. Put together by a Baylor fan apparently.

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Give Tejas's Donors credit... the money dried up... AD will likely be fired... kinda sad they didn't go the scUM route and wait a few years too late.

:slappy: nice job Patterson on the negotiations

Patterson had a guaranteed contract that runs through August 2019. When Patterson was hired in November 2013, the UT System Board of Regents approved a five-year, guaranteed contract worth $1.4 million annually. His deal included an annual 2.5-percent cost of living pay increase. The contract has no buyout clause, which means UT is on the hook for the remaining balance.

will be interesting to see what direction they go and whether Charlie and to a lesser extend Shaka will survive
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