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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

Swoops or Barrett?

A Shaggy Bevo Classic thread.

Somewhere I think they had a Evan Spencer or Swoops thread. But I may be embellishing a little...lol

Swoops can't make this throw. hahaha

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Ad revenue is a small part of the overall revenue generated by these college networks. They make most of he money from carriage fees. I can't find exact numbers but in an article in the Chicago Tribune from 2013, the BTN was projecting $270 million in total revenue. Of that $234 million was projected to be from carriage fees. The article also said that 60% of the ad revenue would come on 14 football Saturdays.

Since the LHN only has a couple of Tejas games each year, I can't imagine that they're bringing in a lot of advertising $.
Plus the 1st tier rights are sold off by the conference. So the big texas games are out. They get the shit ones.
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Here's a really long (but very well written article) at why Nebraska came to the B1G.


I love this bit:

To this day, Perlman, Osborne and Delany won’t say where they met on May 25.

Perlman will describe it only as “a very remote private location” far from both Big Ten country and Nebraska. It’s a secret, Perlman said, because the Big Ten may use it for future business.

They went to considerable lengths to keep the meeting under wraps.

Because Osborne is a well-known figure who tends to attract attention, it was agreed he and the chancellor would fly separately. Perlman was joined by Joel Pedersen, the university’s general counsel. Few on any of their staffs knew the reason for their travel.

After staying overnight in a city and eating breakfast separately to preserve their low profile, Perlman and Osborne received cell calls summoning them to meet a car outside. They then rode to a rural location about an hour outside the city.

They were greeted by Delany, Big Ten Deputy Commissioner Brad Traviolia and the conference’s legal counsel.

Perlman said Delany reiterated that “this shouldn’t be regarded as any more than sitting down for a chat.” He was holding similar meetings with other schools.

Man, sounds familiar.....

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@#$@#$ em. They're getting what they deserve.

Point in case:


I posted this last year when they hired Watson as their OC.

Originally Posted by AlexHortdog95
Okay, usually I don't post over here. I usually just read the hilarity that ensues on the Shag. I love the Shame Paints as well. But this thread....it looks eerily familiar.
There's never been any love lost between Husker fans and Longhorn fans. But I have to tell ya....you guys have the right idea when you say "Fire this clown."

It's not like the writing wasn't on the wall, though:


Do yourselves a favor and cut this guy loose. Quickly. Otherwise your problems will get worse. No idea why coaches have such a tough time firing guys like this. I'm sure he's a nice man. I'm sure he's a family man, and actually a pretty good position coach with the QBs. But as OC, he's atrocious.

In 2006, I was watching my Huskers play Auburn in the Cotton Bowl. It's 3rd and like 18. He switches to the backup QB at the time, Cody Green.


On 3rd and 18.....

He calls a play action pass.


Just remember this....

He was hired to Nebraska by Bill....Callahan.

This guy...




Husker fan here again.

Again, no love lost between our fan bases. But...

Damn, I think I was spot on regarding this one.

Instead of demoting the guy, fire the mofo.

Again, I tell you - cut your losses and run like hell.

And then, today, I replied with this:

Husker fan here again.
Again, no love lost between our fan bases. But...
Damn, I think I was spot on regarding this one.
Instead of demoting the guy, fire the mofo.
Again, I tell you - cut your losses and run like hell.

What do I get in return?

Randolph Duke

This, from the fanbase that insisted the decline of their football program was entirely due to big, bad Texas being unfair to them and that their solution was to run away from playing Texas and OU every year. How's that working out for you guys? lol.

Newsflash, sparky - We don't "run like hell" away from our problems. That would be more your style. We already cut our losses. Watson literally is yesterday's problem.

So, my response?

I guess you guys think I'm trolling you. I'm not.
I'm not one of those guys that come into other fanbases' message boards and start crap up with them.
I was just trying to point out a glaring issue in a coach that we have history with.
But oh well. If that's the case, and you WANT me to troll you, fine. Here goes....
Winning less than 60% of your games the last five years? Yep, ran away from that.
Finishing ranked once in the postseason polls in the last five years? Yep, ran away from that.
Thinking that just by throwing $$$ at a guy would get him here? Yep, ran away from that, too.
Watching Tayson Hill run for like 400,000 yards against you? Yep, we didn't like that so much....
Watching the Irish molest you guys like a couple priests during an all-nighter with altar boys a la Zed in Pulp Fiction? Priceless.
Tough talk by a team that, although you got the best of us on the field whilst we were there, has done absolutely jack and $#@! the last five years.
Needless to say, you guys wouldn't be able to leave the Big12 if you wanted to. You guys have so soured the relationships with all the other conferences so badly, nobody really wants you anyways. Everybody wants to LEAVE you, however.
Here comes the ban....LOL

Needless to say, I kicked up the hornet's nest, LOLZ
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