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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

Oh no! Please don't do that to us, Texas! What on earth would we ever do without Mean Gene?

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Lots of Shaggy talk about Gene Smith and whether they could lure him away from OSU. :lol:

Right. A 60-year old native Ohioan with a wife, four children, five grandchildren, an active board member for the YMCA of Central Ohio, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbus, a Trustee of the Lincoln Theater, and current AD of an enterprise that doesn't just want to compete, but is actually the reigning national champions in multiple sports, is going to uproot his family (again, at age 60) for a lateral move to an athletics department in shambles. Why? Because Texa$. Fucking imbeciles. The arrogance of these cock gobblers really knows no bounds.
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Right. A 60-year old native Ohioan with a wife, four children, five grandchildren, an active board member for the YMCA of Central Ohio, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbus, a Trustee of the Lincoln Theater, and current AD of an enterprise that doesn't just want to compete, but is actually the reigning national champions in multiple sports, is going to uproot his family (again, at age 60) for a lateral move to an athletics department in shambles. Why? Because Texa$. Fucking imbeciles. The arrogance of these cock gobblers really knows no bounds.
So you're saying there's a chance?
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