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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

This is the second time that ORD has mentioned Coop murdering Shoney...what gives?

Had a heart attack right after watching one of Cooper's epic choke jobs against TSUN and died a week or so later in the hospital. Cooper killed him just as sure as if he shoved a gun up his ass and pulled the trigger until it went, "click."
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I don't have a dog in the fight. But after watching the UT fans react to the loss to ND when half of them wanted Charlie fired immediately, ito their win over Rice and AD getting fired and sudden reversal to saying they were all behind Charle the whole time, I've got to say that a loss to Cal this weekend would be highly entertaining. It would be a hoot to watch them place blame for that one. (Look out Norvell, you could be next!)
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So hard to resist posting the jesus. I could be hiding from the cops and if I heard one of them say "Jesus", I'd probably pop out of hiding and say "nobody fucks with the jesus".
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The arrogant fucks are actually debating whether they want GS, not whether he'd come. They need to take a look in the mirror. The only thing that could make their AD any more of a third world hellhole would be some burning tires on the front steps and a Toyota pick up truck full of guys waving machetes circling the fucking building.

Meanwhile, GS is running an AD with a $30M profit, the foosball and hoops programs running on fucking autopilot and no meddling from donors. The guy is getting paid a million dollars a year, and the biggest decision he faces in the morning is whether he's going to get caught up on Love Boat or Six Million Fucking Dollar Man reruns later that day.
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There was a lot of talk this morning that summed it up pretty well.
Tejas wanted change, but when change came they didn't like it and got rid of it
Patterson was trying to break the backs of the boosters and get the AD out from under their control. He wanted to make it 100% self sustaining.... anyways should be fun, they loved him when he was hired and seemed surprised when everyone said the dude had no social skills and wasn't that good at the job.
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