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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

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UT alum who refers to Radio as "the black jesus" didn't even flinch when I suggested the possibility that UT bailed out his broke ass with that casino greeter job to keep him from potentially selling his story about how UT kept him eligible in the wake of the UNC scandal.
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It goes like that across the entire school... their endowment is so big it's just silly. Without looking around, I'd guess it dwarfs every other public school in the country... and yet, where has it got them? At some point on the scale, quality can't be improved by throwing oil money at it anymore.
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It goes like that across the entire school... their endowment is so big it's just silly. Without looking around, I'd guess it dwarfs every other public school in the country... and yet, where has it got them? At some point on the scale, quality can't be improved by throwing oil money at it anymore.

From reading Randolph Duke's screeds, it would seem as though they grossly inflate the endowment. They make it seem like that big number from the oil leases is the UT-Austin endowment (i.e. equivalent to what we or Michigan or Wisconsin reports) when it's an endowment for the entire system of nine campuses. On top of that, it goes primarily to fund capital projects and upkeep, which the legislature consequently doesn't fund at all. So, that number they are constantly touting is, at best, murky and, at worst, outright fraudulent. What they are doing is the equivalent of Berkeley or UCLA reporting the entire UC system endowment as their own, which they don't.

Fucking Texas. Everything has to be a dick measuring contest with these simple fucks.
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From the last year being reported on USA Today (not sure if it's last year or the year before):

Revenue: $161,035,187
Expenses: $154,128,877

They are also one of only 7 ADs with no subsidy.

Interdasting. Shag was of the opinion that they're in the hole by a couple of million dollars with some creative accounting to book the loss, which is why Patterson was cutting every corner he could while bleeding the fans for new revenue. In either case, and whether it's a $7M profit or loss, it's still a piss-poor performance by an AD running only 17 sports.
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From reading Randolph Duke's screeds, it would seem as though they grossly inflate the endowment. They make it seem like that big number from the oil leases is the UT-Austin endowment (i.e. equivalent to what we or Michigan or Wisconsin reports) when it's an endowment for the entire system of nine campuses. On top of that, it goes primarily to fund capital projects and upkeep, which the legislature consequently doesn't fund at all. So, that number they are constantly touting is, at best, murky and, at worst, outright fraudulent. What they are doing is the equivalent of Berkeley or UCLA reporting the entire UC system endowment as their own, which they don't.

Fucking Texas. Everything has to be a dick measuring contest with these simple fucks.

While that's true, even taking that into consideration -- the system still dwarfs other publics.

California System is about $13bil

Probably not a coincidence that Aggy system is #2 on that list as well. In terms of specific campus endowment, they're on the same footing as Ann Arbor -- and that's pretty much where their big-sister comparison ends.
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