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Texas Longhorns (big hat, no cattle; please don’t Horns Down us)

I wanted him fired for how he handled Tressel--i.e. not firing him immediately. And he was under fire from certain quarters, but he survived. Since then, there's been ZERO problems in the AD, he's sorted out the debt he inherited and the department is running a $30M surplus. I say we let him stay. If there's one lesson to be learned from the Texas debacle (after we stop laughing about the Texas debacle), it's that sometimes it's better to stick with the devil you know.

I seriously wonder whether Mack will slide into this job because it is viewed as a toxic environment by any worthy candidate. I know that I'm all-in for Mack. The shag meltdowns would be glorious.
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I wanted him fired for how he handled Tressel--i.e. not firing him immediately. And he was under fire from certain quarters, but he survived. Since then, there's been ZERO problems in the AD, he's sorted out the debt he inherited and the department is running a $30M surplus. I say we let him stay. If there's one lesson to be learned from the Texas debacle (after we stop laughing about the Texas debacle), it's that sometimes it's better to stick with the devil you know.

I seriously wonder whether Mack will slide into this job because it is viewed as a toxic environment by any worthy candidate. I know that I'm all-in for Mack. The shag meltdowns would be glorious.

I tried to be pissed at Gene for the recent schedule additions, didn't last long tho. Hard to bash an AD when profits and National Championships are rolling in.
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I tried to be pissed at Gene for the recent schedule additions, didn't last long tho. Hard to bash an AD when profits and National Championships are rolling in.

Re: Smith generally doesn't get a ton of credit for bringing in Urban Meyer, given that others were involved in that process, but he didn't screw it up, like other ADs might have done when a major coaching name wants to come home. Finding a way to get Meyer to Columbus alone would atone for a lot of other mistakes, but Smith has helped bring on multiple other successful hires.

Take wrestling, for example. All Tom Ryan (hired in 2006) has done since he came to Ohio State was elevate the program to completely new heights, leading to a national championship last season, as well as being named the NWCA coach of the year. In a rugged Big Ten conference, Buckeye wrestling has now become a national power player, and one poised to remain a contender for titles, even after the departure of program legend Logan Stieber.

Nick Meyers, Ohio State's men's lacrosse coach (hired in 2008) has also been a spectacular success. The Buckeyes don't have the institutional history, geographic proximity to elite recruits, or other resources that the blue-bloods of the sport have, but over the last few years, Ohio State has quietly become an excellent team, and one of the best in the country west of Pennsylvania. Ohio State advanced to the first Big Ten championship game last year, then knocked off regular power Duke in the NCAA Tournament, for their second bid in three years.

Kevin McGuff, Ohio State's women's basketball coach, has dramatically improved recruiting in the program, and has the Buckeyes poised to compete on a national level this season as well.

Entire article: http://www.landgrantholyland.com/20...ector-candidates-search-gene-smith-ohio-state

Just sayin': He made some other excellent hires too.
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Mop up needed in Aisle 4.
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The arrogant fucks are actually debating whether they want GS, not whether he'd come. They need to take a look in the mirror. The only thing that could make their AD any more of a third world hellhole would be some burning tires on the front steps, a Confederate flag placed in the hand of each statue of a General in the quad and a Toyota pick up truck full of guys waving machetes circling the fucking building.

Meanwhile, GS is running an AD with a $30M profit, the foosball and hoops programs running on fucking autopilot and no meddling from donors. The guy is getting paid a million dollars a year, and the biggest decision he faces in the morning is whether he's going to get caught up on Love Boat or Six Million Fucking Dollar Man reruns later that day.

Uh, wouldn't that be Six Fucking Million Dollar Man or Fucking Six Million Dollar Man? I don't have my Fredo Style Guide with me, so I'm just guessing.
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Re: Smith generally doesn't get a ton of credit for bringing in Urban Meyer, given that others were involved in that process, but he didn't screw it up, like other ADs might have done when a major coaching name wants to come home. Finding a way to get Meyer to Columbus alone would atone for a lot of other mistakes, but Smith has helped bring on multiple other successful hires.

Take wrestling, for example. All Tom Ryan (hired in 2006) has done since he came to Ohio State was elevate the program to completely new heights, leading to a national championship last season, as well as being named the NWCA coach of the year. In a rugged Big Ten conference, Buckeye wrestling has now become a national power player, and one poised to remain a contender for titles, even after the departure of program legend Logan Stieber.

Nick Meyers, Ohio State's men's lacrosse coach (hired in 2008) has also been a spectacular success. The Buckeyes don't have the institutional history, geographic proximity to elite recruits, or other resources that the blue-bloods of the sport have, but over the last few years, Ohio State has quietly become an excellent team, and one of the best in the country west of Pennsylvania. Ohio State advanced to the first Big Ten championship game last year, then knocked off regular power Duke in the NCAA Tournament, for their second bid in three years.

Kevin McGuff, Ohio State's women's basketball coach, has dramatically improved recruiting in the program, and has the Buckeyes poised to compete on a national level this season as well.

Entire article: http://www.landgrantholyland.com/20...ector-candidates-search-gene-smith-ohio-state

Just sayin': He made some other excellent hires too.

I think Geiger gets the Lacrosse credit. It was a high personal priority with him, but GS hasn't screwed it up to his credit. GS, however, does get major negative marks for our continued mediocrity in hockey. Still, with the way the overall AD has been running--sans the bungling of the Tressel situation which had Gee 2.0's hands all over it too--I have no desire to see if the grass is greener.
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The next Atheltic Director of The University of Texas.

He's clearly learned the inner workings of managing a major athletic department from his current position within the department, which I'm sure is of vital importance and has allowed him input into all major decisions.

We've got Archie Griffin, they've got Vince "Radio" Young
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