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TE J.T. Moore (Official Thread)

J.T. Moore - College Football Recruiting 2010 - ESPN


Moore is a physical run defender from the end spot. He has a solid build and while he needs to add bulk he comes across on film a fairly thickly built kid for his listed weight. He has a solid get-off, but you would like to see him be more consistent. He is a tough kid at the point of attack and while he flashes the ability to use his hands you would like to see him do this more. He will engage blockers with his shoulder and while you appreciate his toughness he can tend to absorb the blow and get caught up. Does an adequate job of taking on pulling linemen. Displays adequate recognition skills. While he can let blockers get into him he can be tough to move off the ball and while he will attack with his shoulder at times he does try and get to half-a-man. Displays solid straight line speed, but can seem a bit rigid in overall movement and displays adequate short-area change-of-direction skills. Displays a solid motor. As a pass rusher he will flash the ability to attack the outside shoulder and try and work a move to quickly get by. He does though need to be more consistent in having a plan. He will be more active with his hands, but can attack the blocker down the middle and get caught at the line batting with him. Moore is a prospect that can be a tough run defender at the college level and as he develops could be a solid well-rounded player at the end position.
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