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TE J.T. Moore (Official Thread)

OSUBucks22;1256046; said:
Welcome to the Buckeye Family J.T.!! :osu:

Yes, yes!! Best wishes for a great career! Have to do some homework & look to 40 and others to get up to speed on you to say something meaningful & specific, but for now, thank you very much for wanting to be, and becoming, a Buckeye!!

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It's November here in Columbus, and the Buckeyes just filled their 2010 class.

That's going to be a headline in the Dispatch.

OSU's recruiting is ridiculous. I love it.

Welcome, JT. I would say it's good to have another Buckeye, but it's pretty obvious that he's always been a Buckeye. :)
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Welcome to the Buckeye family, J.T.

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Getting an offer this early from Ohio State means that J.T. is very, very good.

Accepting that offer this early from Ohio State means that J.T. is very, very smart.

Thanks for joining the Buckeye family J.T.
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