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TE J.T. Moore (Official Thread)

He stuck out in the Spring and he's sticking out now! A pleasent surprise as I'm not sure any predicted this impact from him. This is a very good thing!
A 4 star who is now looking the part! But he was a bit overlooked in that class.
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MAKING STRIDES: Meyer was asked about junior defensive lineman J.T. Moore of Boardman. His assessment was brutally honest.

"J.T. Moore has had a really average career," Meyer said. "I didn't know much about him last year. He wasn't a factor. He wasn't a guy that was completely committed to doing it our way. I'm proud to say he had an excellent spring. He's involved in special teams, and he's turned out to be one of the guys I enjoy being around. He'll be the first one to tell you he's wasted a lot of time there. He's making up for a lot of lost time."

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I like the idea of using Moore at TE.

The move of Price from DL to OL is a bit confusing as in Urban's own
words "Price was the Freshman who was most ready to play on the DL."

Wondering if this means we struck out on Prince and Mavety?

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scarletngray;2363697; said:

I like the idea of using Moore at TE.

The move of Price from DL to OL is a bit confusing as in Urban's own
words "Price was the Freshman who was most ready to play on the DL."

Wondering if this means we struck out on Prince and Mavety?


I guess Moore is providing some depth at TE.
IMO, price moving to OL is just providing depth, since Meyer has publicly stated that he's worrying about our OL depth. He said that statement a while ago, and views can change. I think nothing has changed as far asks getting Mavety and/or prince.
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pnuts34;2363830; said:
I guess Moore is providing some depth at TE.
IMO, price moving to OL is just providing depth, since Meyer has publicly stated that he's worrying about our OL depth. He said that statement a while ago, and views can change. I think nothing has changed as far asks getting Mavety and/or prince.

I'm sure he will do fine and not only provide depth this year but compete for a starting position next year at Center or Guard. He is a load and has a reputation for being strong, aggressive and relentless. Physically he is ready to go. Could be a real road grader. Just a bit surprised with the move, but the more I think about it the more it makes since in light of us having Bennett and Hale, Shutt, Hill and Carter, etc. in the middle on D.

As far as Moore, with Blake Thomas career being over it also makes sense. We are fine along the DE position with Spence, Washington, Marcus, Lewis, Miller, etc. and definitely thin at TE.

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Krenzelicious;2364253; said:
Agree. This move seems to be more of a commentary on our second string offensive line than anything else.

It has been stated multiple times that Billy's highest upside was on the offensive side of the ball. The John Simon comparisons muddied that up, but just watch his film and there's more promise at C/G than there is at DT.

JT, IMO, was more of a thing where he got passed up by some younger guys and to provide depth at TE.
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Ohio State football: J.T. Moore making name as special-teams standout

By Tim May

    Coach Urban Meyer calls J.T. Moore “one of our most valuable players” because of his special-teams play.

    Suddenly, there is something special about J.T. Moore’s career at Ohio State.

    Part of it is because he is one of the leaders on special teams for the fourth-ranked Buckeyes (9-0, 5-0). Another part is because he switched from defensive end to tight end over the summer. But what stands out the most has been his attitude adjustment, perhaps for the first two reasons.

    “Anybody can change,” Moore said, “and that’s basically what I tell the young guys. If you’re not playing as much, you can change. It doesn’t matter how your career (has gone), you can still do what you do at the end of the day.”

    He seems to gain praise by the week from coach Urban Meyer, who a year ago had little positive to say about Moore.

    “J.T. is one of our most valuable players,” Meyer said. “He’s one of the great success stories. He is doing well academically and will graduate. And he’s an instrumental guy, to the point where I have a hard time putting him in the game in the fourth quarter (on offense) because he is so valuable. … His contributions on three kicking phases, he’s been outstanding.”

    Meyer sees special-teams performers as starters with as much value as those on offense and defense.

    “Guys like him and (Craig) Cataline are so valuable to this team,” Meyer said. “Anybody who has had good success, it all started on the kicking game.”
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