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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Don't know if this will mean anything or not.


? Tee Martin, who led Tennessee to an undefeated national championship in 1998 after two years as Peyton Manning's backup at quarterback, has been hired as quarterbacks coach by New Mexico.

The Oregonian reported at one time that Oregon coach Mike Bellotti was thinking of adding Martin to his staff because he has a close relationship with quarterback recruit Tajh Boyd, who reportedly will choose between Oregon and Ohio State.
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Boyd decision may come Monday
January 25, 2009

The Tajh Boyd recruiting saga apparently will come to an end Monday.

That's when Phoebus coach Bill Dee said Boyd, the top uncommitted quarterback in the nation, will announce his college decision.

Attempts to reach Boyd Saturday night were unsuccessful, but his choice will be coming down to three schools: Clemson, Oregon and Ohio State.

"I don't know what it is," Dee said. "I don't even know if he's made (his decision) yet."

Boyd visited Ohio State and Oregon in December and appeared to have narrowed his decision to those schools. But Clemson entered the picture late, and on the weekend of Jan. 16-17 he took an official visit there.

Each of the three schools paid in-home visits to Boyd last week. Boyd met with assistants from Ohio State and Oregon earlier in the week ? their head coaches had taken their one-allowed visit in December ? and Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney came Friday night.

Each school has an advantage, but Clemson figures to be his best chance for early playing time. The Tigers return only Willy Korn, a redshirt sophomore, among experienced quarterbacks. Korn was Cullen Harper's backup last year, and he has battled injuries the past two seasons.

Boyd decision may come Monday -- dailypress.com
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cdiddy70;1390143; said:

Can you clarify.

Diddy is confused.

Is Clemson waiving the white flag or do they have a poster named UtahTiger saying "===" Clemson, or something entirely different.

BuckeyeNation27;1390147; said:
I'm sure he means the Clemson folks are also confident. Such a thing is quite common in recruiting these days, unfortunately.

Actually, just the opposite...not sure if Boyd is calling staffs today or what, but Clemson "insiders" are also hearing the tOSU news.
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