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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

JT has said before that it is the players option to Redshirt.

I would be surprised if Boyd sees himself as a 5 year player. Even if he were only ready for the last few games next year he might prefer to play rather than leave "early" as a fourth year Junior who skipped an entire season (ala Vince Young). Whether or not he is that player is not the issue.

In that regard I have always felt that Bauserman staying is a plus for OSU vis-a-vis Boyd. Without Joe there might be pressure for Boyd to play - ready or not - for the benefit of the team. With Joe you have a player that Boyd may not view as an insurmountable challenge if he is ready to play.

Again, I am not talking about how things are (particularly if it sounds like I am trashing Bauserman), but about how things might be perceived by a talented and confident quarterback.
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Rivals $


From the Oregon site...talks about the pros and cons of each school...will likely be ready to rank the schools after the last in-home with Clemson but will not have a decision just yet.
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dailypress.com - Inside the PD

Tajh Boyd update ... Clemson in town today

Clemson coach Dabo Swinney is expected to pay an in-home visit to Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd on Friday. Which means, presumably, that no decision will be coming until the weekend at the very earliest.

Phantoms coach Bill Dee said he spoke recently with Boyd's mother, Carla, who said her son was still not close to a decision.
Boyd, the top uncommitted quarterback in the nation, is down to three schools: Oregon, Ohio State and Clemson. Assistant coaches from the Ducks and Buckeyes were due in town earlier this week.
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Interesting side story:



Posted by Mark Anderson
Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009 at 04:52 PM

It was no secret Oregon and Oregon State have shown interest in quarterback Caleb Herring, who has committed to UNLV. Oregon even scheduled a home visit with Herring this week and offered him a scholarship in person, but he told the Ducks he wasn't interested.

Herring (6 feet 4 inches, 180 pounds) visited UNLV this past weekend and remains committed to the Rebels. He is listed as the nation's No. 34 quarterback by Rivals.com and No. 64 by Scout.com. Both rank Herring, who attends Citrus Hill High School in Perris, Calif, as a three-star prospect.
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LitlBuck;1389246; said:
That's not very nice of Oregon going after a committed player:(

yeah, i hate reading about this kind of thing. applying to college was nerve-wracking enough without the pressures of colleges constantly barraging me with overtures and incentives, and sometimes it makes me sick to hear about some of the things schools will do to "land" a kid (like he's a fish to be caught)

it just makes me all the more glad that i know how classy OSU's manner of recruitment is. when a kid decides to come to Ohio State, you know it's because it's the decision he wanted to make and wasn't cajoled into it.
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LitlBuck;1389246; said:
That's not very nice of Oregon going after a committed player:( but that also might be an indicator but then again....

I guess Wadc45 posted it as a possible good sign. I don't think there is anything wrong with offering a committed player. If he is not interested, he would say "No, Thanks" and that would be it. That is what we did with Fellows, Nic DiLillo etc.
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Cinfali;1389267; said:
I guess Wadc45 posted it as a possible good sign. I don't think there is anything wrong with offering a committed player. If he is not interested, he would say "No, Thanks" and that would be it. That is what we did with Fellows, Nic DiLillo etc.
There's a difference between continuing to recruit a player committed elsewhere when you have already offered them, or at least actively pursued them, and jumping on late on someone else's commitment with no prior engagement.
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southcampus;1389277; said:
There's a difference between continuing to recruit a player committed elsewhere when you have already offered them, or at least actively pursued them, and jumping on late on someone else's commitment with no prior engagement.
I really don't see this as being the case. All are fair game till the LOI is returned. Now, once the kid says, "Not interested at all in your school," you need to back off. But the idea that a verbal "commitment" should warn other schools off - that's just unrealistic IMO.
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MaxBuck;1389280; said:
I really don't see this as being the case. All are fair game till the LOI is returned. Now, once the kid says, "Not interested at all in your school," you need to back off. But the idea that a verbal "commitment" should warn other schools off - that's just unrealistic IMO.

I think it might fall under the "gentleman's agreement"...you know, like how JT joked last year that was only understood among "gentlemen".
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Whatever the case may be, many coaches frown upon that type of recruitment, just ask Joe Tiller.
Anyways, we don't really have to worry about that with Tajh because he hasn't committed anywhere yet. Lets hope he makes the decision to come to Columbus.:osu:
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OGWheels;1389287; said:
I think it might fall under the "gentleman's agreement"...you know, like how JT joked last year that was only understood among "gentlemen".

I totally agree. I mean where have all the "gentleman" gone. I miss the days where someone's word meant something, and there was that mutual respect between people.

But back to Tajh. . .
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January 23, 2009
Boyd Wraps Up Clemson Meeting
By Phil Kornblut

QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA has completed his in home visit with Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney and assistants Billy Napier and Danny Pearman. Swinney was the last of the head coaches from contending schools to visit Boyd. Boyd also is considering Ohio State and Oregon. "It was a good visit," Boyd said. "They got the last home visit before I make my final decision. Now, over the weekend, I'm going to sit down with my family and discuss the situations at every school. Clemson, they feel like they can utilize all of my abilities and I can help take them back to national prominence." Boyd said he will go into the weekend with complete information on each school. "I got all my questions answered," he said. "I have no doubts about all the schools. I just hope I make the right decision. It will be based on everything about the school. That balance with academics, and football, you want to be able to compete for championships and utilize all your abilities. All the schools have the total package." Boyd said as of Friday night no one school was ahead in his mind. "Basically, I've got to find out something great about one school." Boyd said he probably would talk to coaches from all three schools again over the weekend. Boyd is planning to hold a news conference Monday to announce his decision.

PalmettoSports.com | South Carolina Recruiting | Phil Kornblut | GoUpstate.com
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