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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Not ready to throw in the towel on this one yet. Still think that many signs point to Columbus. Just a guess. Have nothing to back it up. Just the family involvement and tOSU culture plays strong. Distance is a big knock against Oregon. That ACC school? Well, need I say more? Too much up in the air everywhere but tOSU.

Where ever he lands, I do hope that he takes a year to rehab that leg. He looks like he could be a great one if he gives himself the time to recoup.

Here's to hoping, eh?

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January 21, 2009
Boyd Gets Visit From Ohio State Coaches
By Phil Kornblut

A pair of recruiters from Ohio State met Wedneday with QB Tajh Boyd (6- 208) of Hampton, VA. "It was cool," Boyd said. "They've basically got Terrell Pryor (at quarterback) and some guy that walked on." Oregon recruiters met with Boyd Tuesday and Friday Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney and offensive coordinator Billy Napier will be in. Boyd said he's expecting them to arrive around 4:00 PM. Boyd said there's no leader among his three finalists. He said he could have a decision this weekend but that is not a guarantee.

PalmettoSports.com | South Carolina Recruiting | Phil Kornblut | GoUpstate.com
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After a few recent episodes, any form of personal information regarding a recruit will be deleted. This includes any pages on MySpace, FaceBook, AOL, or any other form of personal communication including Handles or Screen Names on various messengers. The only acceptable pages we will display are team or school pages. Thank you for your cooperation.

And this is why...

Facebook recruiting? - ACC - ESPN

Facebook recruiting?

January 21, 2009 2:00 PM

Posted by ESPN.com's Heather Dinich

Clemson fans are doing their part to recruit the next great quarterback into the ACC. As I type this, there are currently 266 members of the Facebook group "Clemson fans for Tajh Boyd."

Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Oregon and Ohio State fans are doing the same thing. (One Oregon fan is already talking smack on the Clemson wall.)

Tajh Boyd, a highly touted signal-caller who has been wooed by just about every major program in the country, decommitted from Tennessee after new coach Lane Kiffin said Boyd wouldn't be a great fit for the offense.

(And for all of the Virginia Tech fans wondering why the Hokies don't recruit on the "national stage," they did recruit Boyd.)

Is Boyd going to make his decision based on these die-hard Clemson fans? Probably not. He'll more likely be swayed by his official visit, which included the whole Howard's Rock experience and the Wake Forest hoops game.

But the ever-popular Facebook is another venue in which recruiting junkies can let their voices be heard. Hopefully the teenagers being recruited are smart enough to listen to the ones that matter -- their own and their parents'
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The above article kinda makes me feel ill. Wherever he decides to go I'm sure it will be the best fit for him. If it's tOSU then wonderful, if not, then ok I wish him the best of luck. Either way a fan is obviously not going to want the best interest of the athlete, specifically ones that are clamoring for his attention over him through the internet.
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Rookie;1388140; said:
The above article kinda makes me feel ill. Wherever he decides to go I'm sure it will be the best fit for him. If it's tOSU then wonderful, if not, then ok I wish him the best of luck. Either way a fan is obviously not going to want the best interest of the athlete, specifically ones that are clamoring for his attention over him through the internet.
I doubt that it would have much effect on his decision. There are so many stupid groups on facebook that nothing surprises me. I am sure that Tajh knows that fans from all three schools want him to go to their respective schools for reasons other than what is best for him.
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osugrad21;1388608; said:
Scout$--Boyd Remains Deadlocked

Positive article for tOSU that discusses QB depth as a plus for tOSU, TP working Tajh and his Dad for a commitment, and the promise that Tajh will not redshirt in Columbus next year.

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osugrad21;1388608; said:
Scout$--Boyd Remains Deadlocked

Positive article for tOSU that discusses QB depth as a plus for tOSU, TP working Tajh and his Dad for a commitment, and the promise that Tajh will not redshirt in Columbus next year.

That is very curious! With the ACL and TP being only 1 year ahead I would think redshirt is in his best interests...

Woud love to have him but I am equally excited about the 10' and 11' kids.

Exciting times...
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akgoel77;1388631; said:
That is very curious! With the ACL and TP being only 1 year ahead I would think redshirt is in his best interests...

Woud love to have him but I am equally excited about the 10' and 11' kids.

Exciting times...

I still can't wrap my head around it either. No matter where he goes to school, I'd think taking a year off to rehab his knee would be in his best long-term interests.
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