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Tajh Boyd (official thread)


Tajh gave his visit a 9 and says tOSU, Oregon, and Clemson are all even. He spent plenty of time with CJ Spiller and the coaching staff...including losing in HORSE and pool to Coach Swinney. There may be a press conference later this week for his decision.
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Kurelic has always said if you come back from an official visit and don't pick that place as your favorite, you aren't going there.


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January 18, 2009
Boyd Visits Clemson
By Phil Kornblut

QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA made his official visit to Clemson over the weekend along with members of his family. "I had a good time," Boyd said. "I got a chance to find out more about the coaches, the type of people the coaches are, coach Swinney in particular. He's a real religious person. He's just a reall good person. I spent most of my time coach coach Napier and coach Swinney. The players are cool. I met everybody. They were all a family. Everybody was humble." Brandon Maye served as his host. Boyd will not decide between Clemson, Ohio State and Oregon. "Me and my parents will make an evaluation," he said. All are good schools with similar situations. I'm looking at wherever I think I will fit in most comfortable with academics and football. I feel I can go play anywhere. Clemson said I'd have a chance to compete, that they don't have an established starter." Boyd said Ohio State coaches will visit him Wednesday. He said Napier and Danny Pearman from Clemson also will be in this week as well as coaches from Oregon. He said he'd like to make a decision this week if he can. If he can't he's not sure when. Boyd will have surgery the end of this month to repair a torn ACL.

PalmettoSports.com | South Carolina Recruiting | Phil Kornblut | GoUpstate.com
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On one hand, I question how reasonable it is to have off season knee surgery and enroll in the summer (hence missing spring practice) and still expect to compete for PT. On the other hand, Pryor did that - more or less - sans the knee surgery. He certainly has a lot of talent, though, so we'll see what he can do. I've never understood the appeal of Clemson, personally, but I'm not a warm-weather person. They simply don't have a top-quality football program; I would think that would be the primary draw for recruits. Then again, I'm not a 5 star recruit.
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TheIronColonel;1384968; said:
On one hand, I question how reasonable it is to have off season knee surgery and enroll in the summer (hence missing spring practice) and still expect to compete for PT. On the other hand, Pryor did that - more or less - sans the knee surgery. He certainly has a lot of talent, though, so we'll see what he can do. I've never understood the appeal of Clemson, personally, but I'm not a warm-weather person. They simply don't have a top-quality football program; I would think that would be the primary draw for recruits. Then again, I'm not a 5 star recruit.

Any program worth its weight in salt can sell positives about its university.

Worst comes to worst, and you tell a recruit they are what the school needs to get over the hump. How nice would that be to hear??

Dabo is supposed to be a great guy. Clemson is a big time university, although its considered a school going in the wrong direction. Its generally considered an SEC program in the ACC because of its rabid fans and gametime atmosphere.

And while we call Clemson a school with less history, going in the wrong direction, etc., their fanbase calls tOSU an overrated school in the Big 10, the worst BCS conference in NCAA.

A school can paint pretty much any picture they want. It's about selling that picture to a recruit.
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Guys, there is some excellent discussion in this thread...however, it is not about Tajh Boyd. We will split this thread (HERE) for the 4th time and hope this is the last time. I'd hate to see this thread get the Gwaltney treatment where we lock it up and only allow updates...

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Mason/Dixon line

In regards to Boyd(and Brown), this may be a case of geography. Typically when a highly rated southern star, who has no familial ties/history to tOSU, waits till the end to pick a school and his list contains all southern schools and tOSU, tOSU falls by the wayside. We've seen this time and time again and it may not be a case of Tress and the staff failing to sell hard enough but just a recruiting reality. Hope things are different this time around but doubt it and won't be disappointed if this scenario plays out as it has so many times before
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Boyd: Decision might come by Friday -- dailypress.com

"I'm thinking about picking a name out of a hat," joked Boyd, the four-star quarterback from Phoebus. "You wish you could pick all of them because they're all so great. But you can't."

In the end, he will choose either Clemson, Oregon or Ohio State. Boyd, one of the nation's top uncommitted quarterbacks, said he could announce his decision as early as Friday, the day after hosting his final in-home visit. He wants to make it by Jan. 28, the day he is scheduled to undergo knee surgery (which has been moved up from Feb. 4).
Next on Boyd's schedule are in-home visits from his three suitors. He couldn't recall who was coming when but did remember the days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Swinney is scheduled to represent Clemson. But since NCAA rules limit head coaches to one home visit per prospect, Oregon and Ohio State will be sending assistants. Head coaches Mike Bellotti of Oregon and Jim Tressel of Ohio State already have been to Boyd's home.
"All the schools have something to present," he said. "Ohio State only has two quarterbacks, and Terrelle Pryor can't take all the snaps. Oregon, you can win a Heisman in that type of offense. Clemson, they're like an SEC school in the ACC."
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dozerbuck;1385591; said:
You can win a heisman at Oregon? But not at OSU?

hmmmmmmmmm......sounds like the kool aid has extra sugar in it!!!!

Terry Baker won the heisman, but he went to Oregon ST!!

LOL! I thought that was funny as well. But Dixon was in the race until he blew his knee.

Oregon's offense the last two years looks much more fun than ours. But as for winning a heisman...well, you have to stay upright enough to make it through a whole season. Good luck with that at Oregon. :wink2:
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