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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Taosman;1382852; said:
Maybe his "advisor" is pushing him to Oregon?

Following this report of Boyd's strong leaning toward Oregon, GBIGGINS the author of the report adds this comment on ESPN:
ESPN - Conversations: Boyd leaning towards Oregon

On a side note, I just got a text from Tee Martin, who was our lead QB coach on the NIKE Camp tour the last two years and he has decided to take the New Mexico QB job instead of coaching the WRs at Oregon. Not sure if this affects what Boyd does, as the two were pretty close, but it will be interesting to follow.

yes it will bear watching the impact of this development.
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MililaniBuckeye;1382944; said:
And the relevence is? Nada. Squat. Zilch. Brees stayed at Purdue for whatever reason, plus very few players were declaring early for the NFL then compared to now.

If Masoli thinks he's ready to turn pro, he'll declare, and height will have squat to do with it.

i think it was a valid point. guys generally leave early when they are projected to be high picks, and sub 6'0" makes that unlikely. not saying there wont be other reasons why he might want to leave school early, but i think it is a fair point to say his height makes it less likely for a qb (unless you have the once in a lifetime combo of wheels and a cannon like vick)
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gracelhink;1382947; said:
Don't mean to interrupt the debate about the success of short QB's in the league, . . .
but the recent development of Tee Martin taking the New Mexico coaching position instead of Oregon is IMHO, huge for the recruiting of Boyd!
Anyone like our chances at Boyd better now that he and his family will not be influenced by the presence of personal advisor Tee Martin at Oregon?
good catch, and yes that does remove one obvious "plus" from Oregon's column.
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January 15, 2009

Boyd Confirms Clemson Visit Is A Go

By Phil Kornblut
QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA confirmed Thursday night that he, his parents and his brother will visit Clemson this weekend. For Boyd, this will be his fifth and final official visit. "I've got an exam early in the morning and we're going to try to make it in time for dinner at Coach Swinney's house," Boyd said. "I want to learn more about Clemson and see what kind of coach Coach Swinney is. I'm looking forward to going to see it. This is my fifth visit so I want to make sure I'm making the right decision. I don't want to have any regrets." Boyd also is considering Ohio State and Oregon and said there's no leader. "Hopefully this visit will clear things up," Boyd said. He said he could have his decision as soon as next week.
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osugrad21;1383704; said:
Clemson is happening. He should arrive around midnight and will be hosted by Freshman All-American LB Brandon Maye.

Thought for sure they would have Spiller host...

Well maybe they are saving Spiller to show Boyd around the empty trophy case room. They need someone to stand in place and say, "This is where are trophies would have gone, had we won the various Champs Sports and Peach Bowls over the last few underachieving years." :biggrin:
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Call it a hunch, but I'm guessing Boyd to Clemson now. He's brought up the depth chart thing multiple times and Clemson's is by far the most attractive. Plus they've (the family) said it would be an easy move (family wise). Add in the fact that they've reappeared at a most opportune time...
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'House boy' staying out of trouble
Dave Johnson

Tim Boyd is a Navy man, so it makes sense that he'd run a tight ship.

His oldest son, Tajh, is a football hero and Big Man On Campus at Phoebus High, but the rules at home still apply. Among them: No driver's license, at least not yet. Doesn't matter that Tajh will be 18 in a month. He doesn't have a girlfriend, and he doesn't go to parties.

His teammate, Phantoms lineman Dominik Davenport, jokingly calls his quarterback "the house boy." As in, stays in the house and never goes out. But for Tajh, the parties, the girlfriends and the driver's license can wait. "I haven't been to one party since I moved to Hampton," said Boyd, who transferred from Landstown two summers ago. "Not one. I don't really want to, not with all the trouble that can go on. I don't need to be going out.

"I just like going to the movies, or staying home and watching football games on TV. Video games, stuff like that. You know, it helps me focus and stay out of trouble."

Neither focus nor trouble has been an issue for Boyd, who has led the Phantoms to a 26-2 record and a state championship as their starting quarterback. He's a natural leader, so much so that two of his teammates - Davenport and running back Shawne Alston - are following him to West Virginia next fall.

Recruiting analysts consider him the No. 1 quarterback in Virginia, and the third-best (under the category of dual threat) in the nation. His numbers from last season explain why. He completed 69.3 percent of his passes for 2,046 yards with 25 touchdowns and six interceptions.

Boyd has all the tools a quarterback needs - arm strength, touch, accuracy, speed, intelligence, guts and vision. But how many times have we seen kids who fit that description blow everything by being stupid?

Tim Boyd, who left the Navy 10 years ago and now is in the reserves, is doing his part to see that doesn't happen to his son.

"You see so many kids who think talent will get them so far," Tim Boyd said. "But it takes more than talent. It takes character. If you go around acting like a fool and a thug, that'll get you nowhere.

"All the success Tajh is having now? I enjoy it. I enjoy it because I know he deserves it.

'House boy' staying out of trouble -- dailypress.com
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I kind of gave up hope when he said he hoped the Clemson visit would "clear things up" for him.

That says to me that he likes Clemson but just wants to be sure.

I guess it could say that he doesn't like Clemson but he wants to be sure.

Who knows?
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