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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Mods feel free to move this if you feel this is straying too far away from Tajh.

Would the Ducks be asking for trouble by hiring Tee Martin?

Oregon coach Mike Bellotti and offensive coordinator Chip Kelly reportedly will interview former Tennessee quarterback Tee Martin about one of the Ducks' soon-to-be open assistant coaching positions, and this is a move that should raise some eyebrows.
For starters, Martin's coaching resume is decidedly thin. Then there is the troubling, little scandal involving Martin, an insurance executive and a sportswriter that nearly brought the NCAA down on Tennessee.
Martin, who had seven-year pro football career, does have some credentials. He has worked some elite camps -- including the Tee Martin Playmakers' Passing Camp -- and has a close relationship with the highly-recruited Tajh Boyd. Boyd reportedly will sign either with Oregon or Ohio State.
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reagdog;1381080; said:
For some reason, recruits also like their ugly uniforms.

Not enough, apparently.

I observed something interesting actually, take it FWIW.

According to wikipedia, Oregon first started using their ugly uniforms for the 2005 Holiday Bowl.

From 2002-2005, Oregon reeled in five 5* recruits and sixteen 4* recruits. Of those are most notably Haloti Ngata, Dennis Dixon, and Jonathan Stewart.

Since 2005, Oregon has nabbed only ONE 5* recruit and twenty-two 4* recruits. No notable names from this list, though there is obviously not enough time to tell how good some of these players are. And the twenty-two 4*'s really need to be examined closer, considering the fact that half of those recruits came in the 2007 recruiting class.

Since 2002, tOSU has twenty-two 5* commits and seventy-two 4* commits. And we all know some of the notable players who've come through since then.

There's really no substitute for tradition.
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Disclaimer: I'm not a Duck apologist. Just living in Oregon.

ysubuck;1381071; said:
Honestly, the only thing Duck fan can keep pointing to is their facilities. That's all they've got.

That's not the only thing. The team has a deep sense of comraderie, and the fanbase is rather rabid for its size. It's a small community and it's relatively safe. Furthermore, UO does offer a good education. Thus, it's not just a matter of the athletic facilities.

TheIronColonel;1381098; said:
I dunno, the Martin thing could be persuasive. Other than that, unless you really like snow, mountains, and hippies (I like the former two, personally), I don't see the appeal of Oregon.

There's a LOT more to Oregon than those three.

ImFrigginFly;1381249; said:
There's really no substitute for tradition.

You're talking apples and oranges. 1) The surplus of talent is definitely on Ohio's side. 2) The regional opponents have definite positives over the Oregon schools simply from a climate standpoint. 3) And yet, while the tradition is not there, Oregon has built for themselves a rather nice program.

Ultimately, I would prefer that Tajh choose tOSU; however, I don't think he'll be dissappointed if he were to choose Oregon. Different strokes for different folks.
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January 13, 2009

Boyd Clemson Visit Still Alive

By Phil Kornblut
The possibility still exists that QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA will visit Clemson before making a decision his father said Tuesday night. Tim Boyd said his wife talked to Clemson assistants Billy Napier and Danny Pearman Tuesday night. "They talked about us coming in this weekend," Boyd said. "It's a pretty good chance. We just want to make sure that's what he wants to do. He hasn't made a final decision yet (about the trip). He's been gone the last three weeks and he's trying to catch up on a lot of online school work because he's graduating in March. The Clemson coaches were excited that he's going to try to make it down there." Boyd said his son had been hearing from Clemson commitments urging him to visit. "They really want him on board," he said. Ohio State and Oregon are the two other schools Tajh Boyd is considering.
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I, for one, like it much better when these kids take there time to decide what is right for them and their families. It makes it a lot less likely that a Givens situation (along with many others) will occur. It is in our nature to want every great athlete to pick tOSU, but if he chooses Oregon or Clemson after thinking long and hard about it, I'm cool with it.
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If it hasn't already been posted

ESPN's take on Tahj seems to be that he's leaning Oregon's way.

West Recruiting Blog

"I'm leaning pretty good to Oregon right now," Boyd said. "I liked it there a lot and I think it's a great fit for me. I like the coaches, I like the offense, I liked the area and I like the opportunity to come in and play early.
"I'm looking forward to visiting Clemson and I know I'll have a good time there. My plan is to take this visit, think things over a little and then have some kind of announcement shortly after. I pretty much know what I'm going to do but I'll have something at the school where I'll pick a hat and I should be able to do that shortly after this visit."

Sounds like he's gone.

But it is ESPN, though...
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MaliBuckeye;1382826; said:
"I'm leaning pretty good to Oregon right now," Boyd said. "I liked it there a lot and I think it's a great fit for me. I like the coaches, I like the offense, I liked the area and I like the opportunity to come in and play early.

Kind of a surprising comment, given the crowded situation at QB at Oregon, as has been documented on BP.
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billmac91;1382834; said:
I don't understand it myslef....both depth charts have a young stud QB. Maybe he sees himself unseating the starter at UO.

Masoli will be a junior this season whereas Pryor will be a sophomore. He could be the starter in 2010 if he were to become the Masoli's backup this season and Masoli declared after the season. He knows Pryor will be top dog for at least two more years.
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MililaniBuckeye;1382838; said:
Masoli will be a junior this season whereas Pryor will be a sophomore. He could be the starter in 2010 if he were to become the Masoli's backup this season and Masoli declared after the season. He knows Pryor will be top dog for at least two more years.
To be Masoli's top back-up, he'll have to unseat Justin Roper (a junior-to-be), their former starting QB from the beginning of the year last year plus they have Derron Thomas (sophomore-to-be) who also saw time this year at QB.

He could be 1 injury away from playing as a true frosh at OSU, or he can wait his turn at UO.
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As Ive said before if Masoli's name was Pryor... and Pryor's name was Masoli... i think he'd be analyzing the depth chart differently..

He's doing himself a disservice if he's evaluting playing time based on hype (Pryor's large, Masoli's none) and not onfield performence..

You could argue that Masoli is more locked into the Oregon starting gig, then Pryor is the OSU starting gig based on the on-field performence.

However, in fairness, Masoli is a junior to be, while Pryor and sophomore to be..
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MililaniBuckeye;1382838; said:
Masoli will be a junior this season whereas Pryor will be a sophomore. He could be the starter in 2010 if he were to become the Masoli's backup this season and Masoli declared after the season. He knows Pryor will be top dog for at least two more years.

Problem with that is Masoli is about 5'10 or 5'11. VERY small chance he goes to the NFL before his eligibility is up. So he's looking at 2011 as his earliest possible starting position, which is when Pryor will be a junior and could turn pro.
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