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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Baximus with the original on BN


Martin to meet with Oregon coaches this week
Former Tennessee quarterback will discuss joining Ducks as assistant

Posted by Rob Moseley

Duck Football with Rob Moseley: Entry & comments


Former Tennessee quarterback Tee Martin said today he plans to meet this week with Chip Kelly and Mike Bellotti at the coaches? convention in Nashville about a potential assistant coaching position with the Ducks.
?There?s nothing official, there?s nothing offered, but I?ve known Chip for a few years from working at quarterback camps,? Martin said. ?I knew about the changes going on (at Oregon), and we?ve discussed it a few times.?
Martin said that while Kelly didn?t label this week?s meeting a formal job interview, ?I?m kind of approaching it that way.? He said the two last had informal discussions prior to the Holiday Bowl.
Once Kelly replaces Bellotti as the Ducks? head coach, the Ducks will have two open positions on the offensive staff ? Kelly?s current position as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach, and the receivers job filled for the last three seasons by Robin Pflugrad.
Martin said he and Kelly hadn?t discussed what specific position Martin might fill on the staff.
?It was just a conversation like, ?I have a lot of respect for you and would love to work with you,? ? Martin said.

In that capacity, Martin has worked with UO recruit Tajh Boyd, a top prospect who has said he?ll sign with either Oregon or Ohio State next month. Martin said the Boyd family retained him as a consultant for the recruiting process. ?We have a strong relationship there,? Martin said. ?Tajh is very intrigued about the Oregon situation out there. I think he has Oregon high on the list right now, and we?ll see how that goes.?
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So the guy they hired as a consultant for the recruiting process is openly soliciting one of the kids final schools for a coaching job.

That seems perfectly kosher.
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Lots of smoke for Oregon. I really think Tajh is an important recruit. He can seriously push for playing time here. He can push TP and see the field. He pocket awareness and arm are fantastic. I really like him in our 06 offense. Go Bucks
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bobcat84;1380294; said:
If the V bets were still out there I'd bet the house that the Nike ducks get their man
after all of this speculation I have been in search for just the tinniest hint of optimism, I really wanted Tajh because he is a quality young man based on what I have read. However I have seen nothing recent in our favor and it sucks. go :osu: though
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I don't understand the argument that PT is more plentiful at Oregon.

By my count, Oregon had three QBs get game time this year, with Roper (Soph) opening the season as the starter, Masoli (Soph) becoming the starter part-way through the season through his play (and an injury to Roper early), and Thomas (frosh) getting reps when the game was no longer on the line. After Oregon's bowl game, they said that there was going to be a big battle for who gets playing time the next year between those three, with Masoli the big favorite to retain the job after his performance in the Holiday Bowl. When he gets on campus, it's gonna be hard for him to battle for #2 against the former starting QB of the team.

Yes, OSU has Pryor (frosh), but the only other scholarship QB is Bauserman (R-Frosh) who is a converted walk-on (though very talented -- talented enough to receive good scholarship offers coming out of HS). OSU proved during their bowl game that they are willing to put more than one QB on the field at the same time when the game is on the line, and Pryor could easily be subject to injury with how much OSU will lean on him throughout the year with Beanie not returning for his senior year. When we do use that second QB or if/when Pryor goes down due to injury, he's got a great chance to see the field early, fighting with Bauserman for the #2 slot when he gets on campus. How early depends on how Tajh heals from his knee surgery, how early he grasps the playbook, and how he progresses as a QB throughout the offseason/preseason.


Ohio State can make a great case that they are the better team of the two for his services. Coached by Jim Tressel and Joe Daniels (developed Dan Marino & Troy Smith in college), great academics, much closer proximity to family/relatives/friends in Virginia, conference and national championship contender every year (including 4-straight conference championships and counting), higher caliber recruits blocking for him ("Block O") and catching his passes (the last 2 years: OSU Four 4*-5* recruits vs UO Three 2*-3* JUCOs [via Scout]), tradition, prestiege/playing for a national powerhouse, a family/brotherhood atmosphere, has an offense that suits Tajh's talents, gives him an opportunity to be a throw 1st/run 2nd QB, national exposure every week, has some of the best facilities in the nation, playing in front of 105,000+ screaming fans, the school of the QB he models himself after (Heisman winner Troy Smith), and gives him the chance to step on the field earlier in his career (see above). I'm sure I've left something off of there, but that's what just comes to mind off the top of my head.

Oregon's got the best facilities in the nation, gives the kids the chance to design their own jersies once every 4 years (which is really cool), more temperate warmer weather (hardly ever snows, but it's much rainier there in Oregon), use offensive schemes that utilize Tajh's talents, has the loudest stadium of its size (seats 54,000) in the nation, and argues it has had more QBs drafted in the last 10-15 years than OSU (which is true, but they boast just as many star QBs in the league during that time... zero). And if Oregon does hire Tee Martin as their QB coach, then they'll have Tajh's consultant during his recruiting process on their staff, which will likely carry some sizeable weight when making his decision.

I'm far from losing sleep or my mind over where Tajh chooses to play ball for the next 3-5 years of his life and I can understand the fascination with Oregon, but I don't see how it's a better opportunity for him than the one he has here in Columbus.
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Ducks football recruiting update - Behind The Ducks Beat - The Oregonian - OregonLive.com

Oregon is, though, still in the running for 5-star quarterback Tajh Boyd of Hampton, Va., who has said he is deciding between Oregon and Ohio State. If the Ducks do land Boyd, he would definitely redshirt right away, as he is scheduled for ACL surgery on his left knee on Signing Day.

Oh, and still wondering whether there is a direct connection between facilities and recruits' interest? Check out Boyd's take on Oregon:

"Oregon, their facilities are off the chart," Boyd said. "They have underwater treadmills and a whole lot of different technology some hospitals don't even have. That's a reason why Oregon is real high on my list."
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