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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

stowfan;1376970; said:
I have a question, was the Scout info gathered before or after JT's visit? It's not unusual for info to be several days old before released. This one really has been a roller coaster.
stow - it almost reads as if it is pieced together from old and new stuff.

The quote about BC is definitely recent:
Another school that has fallen off Boyd?s radar is Boston College. ?I was thinking about visiting them this month but now coach Jags (Jeff Jagodzinski) is gone,? Boyd said of the recent firing of the Eagles head coach
The quote about the loss for the Buckeyes to Texas is either word for word a carbon copy, or it is older filler.
Although Boyd says it won?t have any effect on his decision, he calls the Buckeyes? Fiesta Bowl loss to the Longhorns ?heartbreaking.? ?Ohio State had their chances,? he said. ?They couldn?t hold on. There was like 16-seconds left! That?s heartbreaking
Plus, there is a glaring absence of any in-home visit mention by Wallace. Which seems kind of strange - as the visit happened Wednesday.

Color me, like you, confused.
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Every year we seem to be in the race for at least one (this year several) of these big time prospects as we approach NLOID, and most years we end up on the short end of the stick. Last year was one HUGE exception, though that dragged on to mid March. Every time, a number of people go off the deepend if the kid picks another school. If that happens this year, hopefully people will look at the incredible class the Bucks already have and be at peace. I know I will be. Whether Tajh choices to get his education in Columbus, Eugene or elsewhere, he's not likely to contribute next year anyway. I think Joe Bauserman is more than capable of handling the reigns if (God forbid) TP were to miss time. There's a number of good QB prospects in 2010 we will likely be in on. I hope Tajh choices tOSU, but it seems like we rarely get what we want in these rollercoaster recruitments. Either way, I won't lose sleep.
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wadc45;1376820; said:
I know Kurelic maintains that a Clemson visit could still happen...which of course anything could still happen...but as of last night both he and his father said that it was not likely. Take that FWIW...

Not that this is something worth making to big of deal out of, just a little insight for everyone not in the area. . . I am down here near Clemson and I can tell you that there is not a lot of talk about TB down here. Most of the people I have spoken with do not seem very interested, and are happy with the QB's on their roster.

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From recent reports on a few of the major online sites, TB seems a bit more excited about the Oregon offense than of the OSU offense and of Oregon in general. And how can you blame him with the struggles OSU has had scoring points. I do feel that the OSU offense will open up again in the coming years when Tress takes the puppy leash off pryor similiar to how he did with Troy his last 2 years.

I'm usually on the optimistic side of these roller coaster rides because I feel OSU is a great institution and can sell itself regardless of depth charts. But I must say, in the past few days it sounds like the kid really feels he can make an impact right away in Eugene.

What once I felt was a huge factor (distance from home), doesn't seem like much of a factor from his father's comments on scout and their willingness to pack up and move where ever Boyd decides to play his football. When you are not staying in state anyway, what does it matter if you live 8 hours away ( I use to live in VA before moving to O-H-I-O) or across the country. It is still going to take most of your day driving, or a plane trip to get there or for family and friends to watch him play.

As much as he talks about his ability to compete with Pryor right away, he has to believe that his chances of beating out the other Oregon qb's are far better than beating out Pryor, if early PT really is the driving factor. I think this one will end up being another tough, late loss for OSU but I also think it helps to better solidify a few big name prospects coming up in 2010 and 11 in the state of Ohio to become eventual Buckeyes @ the qb position. If Boyd does not come here, qb becomes top priority for next 2 years of recruiting.

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Boyd: Oregon's 'high on my list' -- dailypress.com

Didn't see this info (regarding the knee) previously. If I missed it, I apologize.

HAMPTON - The date on the Boyd family calendar is circled: February 4th.

That's National Signing Day, the first day high school football prospects can sign their letters-of-intent. Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd hopes to have announced his pick by then. As of now, he's down to Ohio State and Oregon ... though things can always change.

But Feb. 4 also is Surgery Day, the day Boyd's worse-than-we-thought knee is to undergo reconstruction. How's that for a coincidence?

"I guess I could sign (the letter of intent) at the hospital," Boyd said with a laugh.
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Not a doctor but reconstructive surgery is pretty major stuff and I think is going to take atleast a good year to recover from. I think that this unfortunate surgery could benefit Ohio State as Boyd will almost definitely not be playing football next season. Ohio State medical center would also be a great place to have the surgery done if he is under scholarship with tOSU.

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Gosh if Tajh were to choose OSU is this scenerio possible?


If i'm not mistaken he would be a FRESHMAN with no one really to compete with if Pryor were to leave his Junior year.

Hopefully though he has a speedy recovery. For not getting much pub in practice all week he sure played great in the AA game.
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