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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Not bashing Boyd, but I can understand being confident in your skills, but the fact that every single kid expects to start right away is crazy...

I mean they have to realize that they want to go to a big time program and the kids that the school has to recruit to be a big time program were as good as them or better when they were recruited, and when a school gives you the opportunity to come in and have the starting job at a position for at least 2 and if not 3 years, then it is crazy to think that the depth chart worries him...

Unless he is looking behind him and seeing a big time 2010 Qb and big time 2011 Qb Braxton Miller...

Then we might have confidence issues...
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crazybuckfan40;1376438; said:
Not bashing Boyd, but I can understand being confident in your skills, but the fact that every single kid expects to start right away is crazy...

I mean they have to realize that they want to go to a big time program and the kids that the school has to recruit to be a big time program were as good as them or better when they were recruited, and when a school gives you the opportunity to come in and have the starting job at a position for at least 2 and if not 3 years, then it is crazy to think that the depth chart worries him...

Unless he is looking behind him and seeing a big time 2010 Qb and big time 2011 Qb Braxton Miller...

Then we might have confidence issues...

Anthony Crater?
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Buckeyecty4;1376422; said:
I hope this isnt a case of Boyd looking at the depth chart and seeing "T. Pryor" and saying "man, that is 5 star Terrelle Pryor, no way I play over him"...

If he is thinking that, do we really want him as our quarterback? (sarcasm)

(serious) I want our incoming quarterbacks to think they are better than the next guy in line. I want our backup QB to have something to prove. I want him to go out in practice to show the coaches that he is better than the starter. I want him to push the starter and make sure the starter knows that if he gets lazy there is someone who will take his job.
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MONTbigBuck;1376446; said:
Grad, weren't you as high on Will Korn as any QB in last years recruiting class? Point being he will have competition anywhere he goes. Let's hope he sees the big picture over the next few weeks and choses OSU.

That was 2 years ago...and Korn suffered a shoulder injury this season. But, yes, Willy was a player in HS
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Buckeyefrankmp;1376448; said:
If he is thinking that, do we really want him as our quarterback? (sarcasm)

(serious) I want our incoming quarterbacks to think they are better than the next guy in line. I want our backup QB to have something to prove. I want him to go out in practice to show the coaches that he is better than the starter. I want him to push the starter and make sure the starter knows that if he gets lazy there is someone who will take his job.

I agree. With the amount of true freshman making an impact in college football,and the amount of rookies making an impact in the NFL,that type of attitude is only expected out of a highly ranked high school player.
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I just read the last few pages of this thread and in just a few short days it went from:

It is between Ohio State and Oregon to
Oregon looks like the leader to
Ohio State is almost a lock to
Michigan is now in the picture to
he will visit Clemsom to
Clemson is the current leader to
it is now between Ohio State and Oregon.

Recruiting speculation...don't you just love it?...:biggrin:

Hey give the player and his family credit, apparently he/they made a couple of ill-timed and/or quick decisions (commited to Tennessee and West Virginia; and then decomitted), learned from the past experiences, want to get as much information as possible, take their time in going over and comparing everything, and make the right decision that is in Tajh's best interest.

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ScriptOhio;1376583; said:
I just read the last few pages of this thread and in just a few short days it went from:

It is between Ohio State and Oregon to
Oregon looks like the leader to
Ohio State is almost a lock to
Michigan is now in the picture to
he will visit Clemsom to
Clemson is the current leader to
it is now between Ohio State and Oregon.

Recruiting speculation...don't you just love it?...:biggrin:

Hey give the player and his family credit, apparently he/they made a couple of ill-timed and/or quick decisions (commited to Tennessee and West Virginia; and then decomitted), learned from the past experiences, want to get as much information as possible, take their time in going over and comparing everything, and make the right decision that is in Tajh's best interest.


In fairness to Boyd he only decommitted from one school(West Virginia) really, as the other one(Tennessee) flat out said they didn't want him after a coaching change.
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ysubuck;1376594; said:
Wonder if that decision might get second guessed!!:)

I actually sat on my couch laughing at UT and Lane Kiffin last weekend watching the All American Game.

I just pictured Kiffin telling Tahj "you're not much of a pocket passer, and thats what my system calls for...maybe you should look for a spread offense that requires more of an athlete at the helm rather than a Quarterback"

...then Tahj sat in the pocket time after time throwing pinpoint passes downfield for 40+ yard touchdowns on a bum knee
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I meant "I'll feel good when the ink is dry"...I'm as confident as anyone that OSU will land Boyd, but you can bet other schools are going to work on him until NLOID.
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wadc45;1376624; said:
I meant "I'll feel good when the ink is dry"...I'm as confident as anyone that OSU will land Boyd, but you can bet other schools are going to work on him until NLOID.

as they should.......

I was impressed at the US Army game! For him to be setting records there after all of the greats that have suited up for that game is saying something.

Oh and he's injured too!
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