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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

coryhulbert;1375666; said:
:( Well that sucks if he goes to Clemson. I really think he'd fit in so well here. I'm really nervous about our depth at QB.

That's the flip side of landing the #1 QB last year. Not many top QBs this year are going to want to risk being a backup for 2-3 years when they can play right away somewhere else.
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billmac91;1375652; said:
This was pretty predicatble once Clemson's hat got thrown in the ring. I thought tOSU fit his needs perfectly, until Clemson got involved....

We talk about Oregon being far away, well tOSU is considerably further than Clemson.

And JT's character won't give him much of a leg up on Dabo, as everyone says you can't dislike Dabo.

After watching Boyd in the All-American game, is it a given that he redshirts his freshman year? If he has to redshirt no matter where he goes, he's still in pretty good shape should TP stay through his senior season. Maybe he is looking to start immediately....thats what it sounds like.

I won't say considerably...OSU is around a 9 hour drive....Clemson is around an 8 hour drive

As for starting immediately.....looking at ACL surgery and rehab and to be ready in 6 months....not likely.
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I hate to say this, but Clemson has recently done a really nice job of recruiting. I would loved to have gotten some of their D-Line recruits of late. Also,I'm with some of you other guys in thinking, next year we will be in the driver's seat with the great QB prospects.
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From the Clemson site...making his final official to Clemson this weekend...JT in-home is tonight. Says he is basically down to Clemson, Ohio State and Oregon despite schools like Michigan and Kansas trying to get involved.

Tonight's in-home could be what makes or breaks it...
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wadc45;1375931; said:
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From the Clemson site...making his final official to Clemson this weekend...JT in-home is tonight. Says he is basically down to Clemson, Ohio State and Oregon despite schools like Michigan and Kansas trying to get involved.

Tonight's in-home could be what makes or breaks it...

Yep if there is anyway for Tress to seal the deal before he goes on that final visit it would be huge...
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