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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

NFBuck;1371741; said:
Troy was never named the starter.

According to ProFootballTalk's sources, he was likely going to start. I thought it was official. If he had the talent to likely be an opening-day starter, I'm not willing to agree with speculation that hints that his future looks bleak. He'll be a FA after next season, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he were signed to a roster to compete for a starting job.

I don't think this will have much to do with Tajh's decision either way. Has he even mentioned anything about this in any interviews? Both teams have shown that they can do quite a bit with a mobile QB.
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tOSU, Oregon, BC rounded out his top 3 heading into this weekend (with Clem sneaking in, and UM wanting to do so). BC was potentially his final visit. Not sure how this impacts things.

ESPN - Sources: Interview with New York Jets could cost Boston College Eagles coach Jeff Jagodzinski job
Boston College coach Jeff Jagodzinski has been told he will be fired if he interviews for the head coaching vacancy with the New York Jets, which is scheduled for Monday, according to sources.

Despite the threat from athletic director Gene DeFilippo, Jagodzinski plans to do the interview with the Jets, the sources said. Those sources said that in the event Jagodzinski is fired, BC would promote offensive coordinator Steve Logan to head coach.
According to the sources, DeFilippo first told Jagodzinski on Saturday that he would fired if he interviewed and then reinforced the school's position Sunday. Jagodzinski declined to comment when reached by ESPN.
Jagodzinski, 45, has been head coach at Boston College the past two seasons, with the team finishing first in the ACC's Atlantic Division each year. In 2007 the Eagles went 11-3, including a victory over Michigan State in the Champs Sports Bowl. This past season, BC finished 9-5 after losing to Vanderbilt in the Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl.
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Army All-American Bowl notebook: Boyd faces yet another decision

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- Tajh Boyd didn't know much about spread offenses when he began practicing last week for Saturday's U.S. Army All-American Bowl. He didn't know the terminology. He didn't know the basic plays. Saturday, playing against the nation's best, the Hampton, Va., native piloted the spread as if he'd run it his entire life.

Boyd completed 7 of 9 passes for 179 yards and three touchdowns to lead the East team to a 30-17 win and he shared co-MVP honors with East tailback Bryce Brown. Now comes the hard part. At some point in the next month, Boyd has to choose a college. Again.

Boyd committed to West Virginia in March. He decommitted in October. He committed to Tennessee in November, but he decommitted after new coach Lane Kiffin suggested he isn't a good fit for the offense. Now Boyd is looking around again.

"I guess I would say I have, like, three, four schools, maybe," Boyd said, drawing a loud laugh from a group of family members assembled at Saturday's postgame press conference. "It just depends on the situation. My family is very involved in my recruiting. Right now, I like Oregon, Ohio State, Boston College. I'm going to take some time. I'm not going to rush into a decision."

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That comment in there about not knowing a lot about spread O's makes me feel pretty nice. Honestly, I know spreads win in college, but there is going to be a point when they all go back to the Wing-T, I swear... Someone will figure out how to stop it, and then they'll have to go back to reinventing the wheel. Wing T, Wishbone, Triple Option, Spread Option, Run and Gun/Shoot, they all fail in the long run IMHO. Taj knowing how to take under center snaps is a major + in my book for any QB.
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GoodLifeSean;1371898; said:
That comment in there about not knowing a lot about spread O's makes me feel pretty nice. Honestly, I know spreads win in college, but there is going to be a point when they all go back to the Wing-T, I swear... Someone will figure out how to stop it, and then they'll have to go back to reinventing the wheel. Wing T, Wishbone, Triple Option, Spread Option, Run and Gun/Shoot, they all fail in the long run IMHO. Taj knowing how to take under center snaps is a major + in my book for any QB.

a major cliche, but eveything is "cyclical". As teams load up their defenses with smaller/quicker defensive players, teams like Wisconsin are drooling.

You're right....at some point the defenses are going to understand the spread offense, and are going to be built to stop the spread, and then the power teams are going to dominate and become en-vogue.
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NFBuck;1371821; said:
Jeesh, that's a little harsh...firing a coach just for taking a job interview in the offseason.
Ya, but if its in his contract clause, which I assume it would be... something like cannot talk with other universities or professional football teams about head coaching position without written permission from the Director, then he should know better.
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MaxBuck;1371518; said:
Given the fact the Buckeyes have 25 verbals, the "Is there room?" question is one we ought not to be eager to hear.

Uh, if you've been paying attention you'd know that we'll be able to fit in more than 25 commits this class, possibly as many as 28-30.
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MililaniBuckeye;1371915; said:
Uh, if you've been paying attention you'd know that we'll be able to fit in more than 25 commits this class, possibly as many as 28-30.
Uh, how much analysis of Oregon's class versus available schollies have you (or anyone here) done?

My point is, when you have 25 verbals the questions are likely to fly in your direction, regardless of the circumstances surrounding them.
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