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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

joefoshow;1372161; said:
The only thing i don't like is that he has decommitted twice. the Tennessee one i understand but not West Virginia.

Maybe the fact that if he wants to play in the NFL, he's going to be a WR prospect after 4 years at WVU as opposed to a QB elsewhere?

Stuart made promises to throw the ball more. When he didn't come through, Boyd decommitted. Makes sense to me.
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Could last night have been a big swing for us in landing Boyd?

There is no question that Pryor is our starter and will be throughout his career at OSU, but I really like the thought of him of him finding other ways to help move the ball as well (a talent like Pryor in short yardage situations being 6'6" - Mismatch issues EVERYTIME).

Putting both Pryor and TB on the field yesterday wasn't "lights out" by any means and I think it could have been more effective had we let TB hand off the ball when he was in a few times so it wasn't so predictable, however, if I was Boyd and I saw what OSU did last night, I would have to believe that they would find a way to get me on the field as much as possible.

Again, I am not saying that Pryor isn't our QB - The kid was OUTSTANDING the entire year by any standard, but for a Freshman, he was a BEAST! I just think that Boyd could see time early his RS Freshman year, then get worked in some sort of package where he is under center and Pryor splits out wide in his 2nd year.
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Rivals.com Football Recruiting - U.S. Army All-American Bowl awards

Most Accurate: Tajh Boyd
QB, 6-1/208, Hampton (Va.) Phoebus

Boyd was another quarterback who struggled early in the week but became more consistent closer to game time. Once all eyes in America were upon this young star he was able to outshine his counterparts at the quarterback position by orchestrating three scoring drives.
Honorable Mention: Murray

Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Army AA Top 10 Players: East

4) QB Tajh Boyd
6-1/208, Hampton (Va.) Phoebus

Boyd was solid all week in practice but was overshadowed a bit by Aaron Murray and Kevin Newsome at times. However, when the pressure was on, no one on either side delivered like Boyd. Playing with a torn ACL, he threw for a record 187 yards and three scores including an amazing 34-yard strike to Corey Brown while on the run. No one improved his stock more from the game than Boyd did.
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wadc45;1374952; said:
Scout $ - 5-Star QB Will Visit Clemson


From the Clemson site...recaps his USAAB experience...says he's been hearing from Clemson for a few weeks and from Michigan a little bit recently...his father recaps his son's first unofficial visit to Clemson.

According to UM insiders, Rod's been on Boyd since Beaver decommitted but asked Tajh to keep it quiet until after Tate Forcier started classes at UM to make sure he wouldn't lose Forcier too. Classes started today in Ann Arbor, so expect more info about UM's pursuit of Boyd to come out....

.....not that it's going to make a bit of difference. :tongue2:
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Scoopfan;1374984; said:
According to UM insiders, Rod's been on Boyd since Beaver decommitted but asked Tajh to keep it quiet until after Tate Forcier started classes at UM to make sure he wouldn't lose Forcier too. Classes started today in Ann Arbor, so expect more info about UM's pursuit of Boyd to come out....

.....not that it's going to make a bit of difference. :tongue2:

If true, that sounds kind of shady and underhanded. I don't expect anything less from DickRod.
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bobcat84;1375606; said:
not good news on tOSU's chances per Nevada. Looks like this one took a "180". I won't offer up any quotes since it's premium.:(

Clemson's depth chart is attractive to him...

Wide open job, Korn coming off a shoulder injury, Parker is a basbeall prospect with an uncertain football future, and Richt's son is just decent...

I won't be surprised to see Tajh end up in Clemson.
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osugrad21;1375608; said:
Clemson's depth chart is attractive to him...

Wide open job, Korn coming off a shoulder injury, Parker is a basbeall prospect with an uncertain football future, and Richt's son is just decent...

I won't be surprised to see Tajh end up in Clemson.
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January 06, 2009

Boyd To Visit Clemson This Weekend

By Phil Kornblut
QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA said Tuesday night he has decided to make his official visit to Clemson this weekend. But it will be a quick visit. Boyd said his mother has to work Saturday so they will not get to Clemson until sometime during the day Saturday, and they will have to leave Sunday because of school Monday. The Clemson visit appears to be the final one Boyd will take. He had been considering Michigan, too, but he said Tuesday night that a visit to Ann Arbor probably own't happen. "I'm not sure about Michigan right now," he said. "I don't want a whole bunch of schools in there. I'm down to Oregon and Ohio State, and we'll see how things are with Clemson after the visit." Boyd said he doesn't have a favorite and he plans to have a decision within a week to ten days after the Clemson visit. Ohio State head coach Jim Tressell will make his in home visit with Boyd Wednesday night.

January 05, 2009

Boyd Meeting With Clemson Coaches Today

By Phil Kornblut
Clemson assistant coach Billy Napier and Danny Pearman are having an in home visit with QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA this afternoon. Boyd's father, Tim Boyd, confirmed the Clemson coaches were in the home during a phone conversation late Monday afternoon. "He really wants to look into them," Tim Boyd said. "I don't know if he will visit this weekend or next weekend. He's also considering Michigan now and he might take one for an official visit and the other for an unofficial visit. He wants to absorb all of this and see what Clemson has to say and what Michigan has to say." Boyd also is considering Oregon and Ohio State and has already taken visits to both. "Distance is a factor with Oregon but we told him we would relocate if he really likes Oregon," Boyd said. "Ohio State is just a question mark with Terrell Pryor being a freshman and playing behind him. Clemson seems like where he has a chance to play early with Kyle Parker playing baseball and Willy Korn being injured a couple of times. We are from down south so family members would get a chance to see him play. Clemson is more of an SEC school and he really likes the SEC atmosphere. I think they (Clemson) have a real good shot, I really do. He likes all the programs. He's just getting to know the coaches at Clemson." The Boyds plan to have a decision soon about the dates for the visits to Clemson and Michigan. Tajh Boyd was named the MVP for his team in Saturday's US Army All American Bowl after passing for 189 yards and three touchdowns. He played most of his senior season with a torn ACL and still passed for 1600 yards and 25 touchdowns.
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This was pretty predicatble once Clemson's hat got thrown in the ring. I thought tOSU fit his needs perfectly, until Clemson got involved....

We talk about Oregon being far away, well tOSU is considerably further than Clemson.

And JT's character won't give him much of a leg up on Dabo, as everyone says you can't dislike Dabo.

After watching Boyd in the All-American game, is it a given that he redshirts his freshman year? If he has to redshirt no matter where he goes, he's still in pretty good shape should TP stay through his senior season. Maybe he is looking to start immediately....thats what it sounds like.
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