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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

briegg;1371414; said:
As much as I hate to disagree with you BKB, Orgeon has 4 QBs in the league (Joey Harrington, Kellen Clemons, Dennis Dixon, A.J Feeley) currently (vs. our Troy Smith). Also, I know the Bengals took Akili Smith very early about 10 years ago, and he is not in the league. It's amazing, really, the lack of QB numbers that we have put into the league given our draft success at virtually every other position. Really, JT has not had much of an opportunity when you think about his tenure (Krenzel had a short stint, but wasn't his recruit, Zwick blew up, and Boeckman may catch on somewhere). Of course, Pryor will likely add one to that number as well.

If I was a QB recruit, Oregon's draft record would be somewhat attractive.

Chip Kelly came in 2007, and has introduced the read option that Dennis Dixon ran very well last year. He hasn't put a Duck QB into the NFL as a QB yet.
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Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Army Bowl Final Hot 11: East

QB Tajh Boyd
6-1/208, Hampton (Va.) Phoebus
In addition to his impressive and record-setting passing numbers in the game, consider this. Boyd was playing with a torn ACL and was still able to not only move around when he needed to but also get enough zip on his passes downfield. His touchdown throw on the run to Corey Brown was a thing of beauty and perfectly placed and he showed great touch on his two touchdown throws to Bryce Brown.
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Let me start off in saying that I know very little about recruiting and scholarships. But I was looking at Orgeon's incoming class on Rivals and got into the top 100 JUCO prospects they're listed as players for 6 of the top 25 prospects. Already having 15 verbals is their any chance of them running out of room for Tajh?
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mercer_buckeye;1371504; said:
Let me start off in saying that I know very little about recruiting and scholarships. But I was looking at Orgeon's incoming class on Rivals and got into the top 100 JUCO prospects they're listed as players for 6 of the top 25 prospects. Already having 15 verbals is their any chance of them running out of room for Tajh?
Who are you going to turn away, Boyd or a juco?
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MaxBuck;1371518; said:
Given the fact the Buckeyes have 25 verbals, the "Is there room?" question is one we ought not to be eager to hear.
why is that Max?

Neither Oregon nor OSU is going to turn away Boyd (nor Adams, Hall, Brown, Telfort or others for that matter).
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briegg;1371414; said:
As much as I hate to disagree with you BKB, Orgeon has 4 QBs in the league (Joey Harrington, Kellen Clemons, Dennis Dixon, A.J Feeley) currently (vs. our Troy Smith). Also, I know the Bengals took Akili Smith very early about 10 years ago, and he is not in the league. It's amazing, really, the lack of QB numbers that we have put into the league given our draft success at virtually every other position. Really, JT has not had much of an opportunity when you think about his tenure (Krenzel had a short stint, but wasn't his recruit, Zwick blew up, and Boeckman may catch on somewhere). Of course, Pryor will likely add one to that number as well.

If I was a QB recruit, Oregon's draft record would be somewhat attractive.


muffler dragon;1371428; said:
Chip Kelly came in 2007, and has introduced the read option that Dennis Dixon ran very well last year. He hasn't put a Duck QB into the NFL as a QB yet.

I realize Dixon is listed as a QB with the Steelers.... But, I doubt he ends up starting (playing at all?) any time soon.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1371546; said:

I realize Dixon is listed as a QB with the Steelers.... But, I doubt he ends up starting (playing at all?) any time soon.

True of tOSU QBs as well. Troy doesn't appear to be playing anywhere anytime soon either... Seems like people are always trying to look for an "edge" where there isn't one. Oregon has turned out some talent recently and has plenty going for it. Tajh has some great choices to make and can't go wrong. He seems like a good kid with a level head, so I'm sure he'll make the choice that is best for him and he won't have to worry about whether any of the programs in question can put talent in the NFL...because they all can.
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Ballard4Heisman;1371442; said:
Officially Dennis Dixon is listed as QB on the Steeler's website

Official site of the Pittsburgh Steelers - Roster

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1371546; said:
I realize Dixon is listed as a QB with the Steelers.... But, I doubt he ends up starting (playing at all?) any time soon.

At best, DD will be a Randle El type player for the Steelers. I'll recant my former and this statement WHEN/IF DD ever takes a snap in a season game.
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matcar;1371730; said:
True of tOSU QBs as well. Troy doesn't appear to be playing anywhere anytime soon either... Seems like people are always trying to look for an "edge" where there isn't one. Oregon has turned out some talent recently and has plenty going for it. Tajh has some great choices to make and can't go wrong. He seems like a good kid with a level head, so I'm sure he'll make the choice that is best for him and he won't have to worry about whether any of the programs in question can put talent in the NFL...because they all can.

Well put!
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