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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

MaxBuck;1370859; said:
Sorry to be so cryptic. :blush:

I listened to some of the game on Sirius - ESPN All-Access channel, which had the call. Chris Childers (of Rivals Radio) had color commentary; don't know who the play-by-play guy was.

for those still confused, the crew had bad info....don't know why they said it, but Tajh is not committed to Oregon.
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Boyd looked awesome and that was on 1 good leg . Man on that deep throw he looked just like Troy. Rolled away from pressure and threw a dart downfield to C Brown. Man we would be set a QB with him and TP . I think we get him if he doesn't take a visit to Clemson.

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Is Korn staring for Clemson? If he is, Boyd likely wouldn't start until his rs Jr year at the earliest. At least at OSU, there is the possibility of TP leaving early...

Boyd seems like a super impressionable kid, though. The last team he visits might be the one he ultimately verbals to.
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I started out wanting him just for solid depth at QB and a future starter for a year or two. After watching him I want him because he is amazing. Looked like Troy Smith all over again. I would love this kid to win the heisman in the scarlet and gray.
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Who knew he was so big?

Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Army Bowl Analysis: Stars of the game

QB Tajh Boyd, 6-5/290, Richmond (Va.) King William
ASSETS: Very good pocket presence and great leadership skills.
AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Needs to get healthy since he has been playing on one leg for quite some time.
WHAT WAS MOST IMPRESSIVE IN THE GAME: He never panicked in the pocket and showed enough mobility to buy time for receivers to get open.
CONCLUSION: I have felt for a long time that this kid may be the next Donovan McNabb. He is a high character kid that teammates will follow into battle on the gridiron.
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