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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

ThisIsMyUsernam;1370087; said:
Earlier tonight, his prediction was Oregon, so he must have heard something new to make him change his mind and call McNeal to Clemson. But that does deflate his theory about McNeal recruiting Boyd to Oregon.

apparently Boyd's dad has been wearing an Oregon hat around...nothing better than predictions based upon pre-announcement athletic wear. It's 100% accurate.
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ThisIsMyUsernam;1370087; said:
Earlier tonight, his prediction was Oregon, so he must have heard something new to make him change his mind and call McNeal to Clemson. But that does deflate his theory about McNeal recruiting Boyd to Oregon.

I also find that interesting. Farrell is also calling Big Will to LSU while our own insider union is saying Michigan, so Farrell could be wrong on all three counts (Boyd=Oregon, McNeal=Clemson, Williams=LSU)
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billmac91;1370097; said:
apparently Boyd's dad has been wearing an Oregon hat around...nothing better than predictions based upon pre-announcement athletic wear. It's 100% accurate.

"that's right!"

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Boyd to get major air time
Coach Bill Dee says the Phoebus QB will not announce his college pick in the NBC game.
BY DAVE JOHNSON | 247-4649
January 3, 2009

Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd will play in today's U.S. Army All-American Bowl ? that much we know. But will he also reveal his much-anticipated college decision during the game, along with eight or so other uncommitted prospects?

The USA Today quoted Boyd in Friday's editions as saying yes. But Bill Dee, the Phantoms' head coach, who is also in San Antonio for the game, said Boyd and his parents both said there will be no announcement today.

"That's what they just told me," Dee said Friday night.

Neither Boyd nor his family returned phone and text messages left Friday.

Boyd to get major air time -- dailypress.com
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