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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Here is what is being referred to:

Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Farrell Recruiting Notes: Mmm Mmm Saga (free)

Two four-star prospects are making a gametime decision on whether they'll make an announcement on Saturday. Hampton (Va.) Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd might make his decision by the weekend and if he does sources say he'll choose Oregon over Ohio State for a few different reasons including the fact that a guy named Terrelle Pryor is already under center in Columbus. However, Boyd might delay his decision and take an official visit to either Boston College or Clemson on Jan. 9.
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he'll choose Oregon over Ohio State for a few different reasons including the fact that a guy named Terrelle Pryor is already under center in Columbus.

Now who went and told Boyd that we had Pryor on our team? :roll1:

Sounds like Rivals is just reaching here. If he does choose Oregon it'll be because he likes the place and Bryce McNeal has been on him about going there...Pryor is a non-factor.
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Maybe it just boils down to whether this guy wants to ride the pine on a national championship team, OSU, or wants to play on a second tier team, Oregon. Age old question. We can give him plenty to chew on, all of the TV exposure, chance to learn from Pryor, 2 or 3 years at the controls of the OSU offense, etc. Or he can be televised once a year against USC. Reality is that the pro scouts do look at the lesser lights, and some of them are ranked as high or higher than the BCS teams players.

It would be great to have him as a back-up for a couple of years, and then step into the QB job as a veteran. Anyone know what Oregon has on tap for recruits? Hard to believe he'd go there, but anyone remember Malik Hairston? (hint: Ohio basketball player).

Happy New Year, Go Bucks, and Scum still :scum4:

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I wouldn't call Oregon a second tier program, they might not bring in the recruits year in and out like tOSU or USC, but they have a bright future, ask the other OSU's. As for Tajh, he seems like a great player and person and as much as I'd for him to be a Buckeye, it might be a blessing in disguise if he goes elsewhere. There are some great QBs in the '10 class that are interested in tOSU, and having two top notch qbs in two years might put them off.
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MililaniBuckeye;1368112; said:
Now who went and told Boyd that we had Pryor on our team? :roll1:

Sounds like Rivals is just reaching here. If he does choose Oregon it'll be because he likes the place and Bryce McNeal has been on him about going there...Pryor is a non-factor.

This all feels VERY familiar...
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sphincter;1368224; said:
I wouldn't call Oregon a second tier program...

With only 3 conference titles over the last 50 years, second tier is actually quite generous. Good luck to Tahj in his future endeavors no matter where he decides to play football at the next level.
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heisman;1368234; said:
With only 3 conference titles over the last 50 years, second tier is actually quite generous.

With the machine that he's built, as long as Pete Carroll is with the Trojans, the rest of the Pac-10 is playing for second place in the conference. Even last year when Oregon beat USC, the Trojans ended up with the conference championship.

As long as Carroll is there, that's not going to change while Boyd is in college. Ignoring team championships, he can hope to develop into an all-around top quarterback while in college (because Oregon is not unseating USC).
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