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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Pryor2Posey;1363035; said:
"I'll write down a pros and cons list and we'll see who wins," Boyd said. "I think I'll have a good shot to play wherever I go, so it'll be more about things like the campus and where I'm comfortable."

count us out?

Uhhhh... no.

Well, looks like we'll have 5, and basically 6 (with Hall) guys at the AA game... versus 0 for Oregon. If in reality all was even, there will be some temptation there with Wood, Bell, Brown, Simon and Green as teammates.
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starBUCKS;1363038; said:
Uhhhh... no.

Well, looks like we'll have 5, and basically 6 (with Hall) guys at the AA game... versus 0 for Oregon. If in reality all was even, there will be some temptation there with Wood, Bell, Brown, Simon and Green as teammates.

Don't see him playing over TP, that's why I stated that.
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Pryor2Posey;1363035; said:
"I'll write down a pros and cons list and we'll see who wins," Boyd said. "I think I'll have a good shot to play wherever I go, so it'll be more about things like the campus and where I'm comfortable."
aka recruit speak. He will have a shot at many years of starting at both schools, but is unlikely to play early at either.
count us out?
Counting osu out with no evidence that they've been surpased, let alone eliminated? Hardly.

If you're not leading after a visit, that's a bad omen. Even moreso for tajh, who had his heart set on attending after each visit that preceded the oregon one.
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Pryor2Posey;1363052; said:
Don't see him playing over TP, that's why I stated that.
Osu has no one for tajh's last 2-3 seasons, and he could back up terrelle in year 2 if not earlier. With the potential offense under tp, that could be extensive pt during multiple blowouts.

Oregon has more young qbs to beat out down the road.
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Pryor2Posey;1363035; said:
"I'll write down a pros and cons list and we'll see who wins," Boyd said. "I think I'll have a good shot to play wherever I go, so it'll be more about things like the campus and where I'm comfortable."

count us out?

Tajh took his official the same weekend as more than half of our '09 class. The same can't be said of his visit to Eugene. He also was hosted by Brewster. I'd have to think he got a really good feel for how the Buckeyes are put together.....
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Tajh took his official the same weekend as more than half of our '09 class. The same can't be said of his visit to Eugene.

Oregon couldn't put together a weekend like that if they wanted to. They have two commits who are rated in the top 30 at their position. One is a punter. The other is a place kicker.

There is simply no comparison in quality of athletes in the two classes. Let's hope that is a category in his "pros" and "cons" list.

But there is no telling what these kids will decide or what they will ultimately base it on.
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sflbuck;1363426; said:
So, if you want to talk about Belotti's or Kelly's ability in developing QBs, have at it. Or if you want to post pictures that are a testiment to the fact that you have a wealthy alumus that is trying to buy your way into the elite of CFB, thats fine too. But until you actually do something on a consistent basis-SHUT UP! Or as Jack Nicholson once said

"Go sell crazy somewhere else....Were all full up"

Oregon cheerleaders please!:biggrin:
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Tajh Boyd's parents will be a major factor in his decision.
Link (Posts 81-90 discussion) Interviews with his Father support that statement.

Tajh was accompanied by his parents when he was in Columbus. He stated that Mom was very impressed with Columbus and JT. (Links: Rivals$ Scout summary post #142 ) Mom was a major factor in his initial WVU commitment as linked above.

Tajh's parents did not take the trip to Oregon (link Mike Farrell 12/25)

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