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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

I didnt realize Columbus was so big. UO only has an enrollment of about 20k. OSU definately has a much more storied tradition, no doubt about it. Hope to visit there someday. Maybe a home and home in the future. Good luck the rest of the way in the recruiting battles.

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Columbus is a fantastic city. Plenty of night life, restaurants and shopping. tOSU campus is one of the world's largest (if not the largest). Metro Columbus has 1.7 million people vs <350k to Eugene. As grad said, players are rock stars in this city, which could have some drawbacks but wont with the right kid.

Plus it's a lot closer to Virginia than Oregon, not sure if that matters to Tajh. I don't mean to make this a slight to Oregon, but the prestige factor of the football programs is nowhere close. But hey, he could have a great relationship with the coaches out west and feel more comfortable out there.
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"More like 75% of the city. I think that's the most shocking thing for recruits, such as when fans are asking for autographs and starting chants ON VISITS."

Ya that happens here also.

Honestly id like Boyd but we have two great QBs that are around for a few more years each so he would probably see the field earlier at Ohio St. Especially if Pryor develops into a good enough passer to leave early.
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Howry;1361691; said:
"More like 75% of the city. I think that's the most shocking thing for recruits, such as when fans are asking for autographs and starting chants ON VISITS."

Ya that happens here also.

Yeah, but our guys are worthy. :tongue2: :wink2:
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Just having fun with you Howry. Your measured posts are welcome.

Oregon is gorgeous country - not quite as scenic as our corn fields - but very nice.

The past few years I have watched a lot of kids travel west to Oregon for a visit and be blown away. - then go elsewhere. In the end what kills you is what will likely kill you with Boyd. Distance.

How many kids on your roster are from East of the Mississippi? That is what matters to Mom.

(FWIW I did my own count and came up with six. Two were JUCOs. One looked like a walk on. The best offer any of the other three had was from Louisville. We have a similar problem bringing kids up from the south - though not to that degree. And I don't know that we have ever recruited anyone from Oregon - or Pago Pago for that matter.)
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Distance is definately a factor for us.

It wasnt long ago that we wouldnt even bother recruiting nationally. We used to compete against the likes of Fresno St, Portland St, San Diego etc for recruits. Now we recruit nationally and have just begun to bring guys in from all over the nation. We arent going to beat out the big boys for recruits very often but we are gradually starting to make our mark. Was fun seeing Pryor mention us last year and Boyd now this year.

We were also one of the top two for #1 ranked RB Bryce Brown which for us is exciting to see. The facilities help and believe it or not recruits love our uniforms and the ability to help design them. Every 4 years we roll out new uniforms so that each class has the ability to help design there own uniform before they leave. Sure they may be ugly to you and me but the kids love them and thats where it matters.

Anyhow. Looking forward to more recruiting battles with you all. Good luck in your bowl game.
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Woodside has big prospect -- dailypress.com

Didn't think you'd get out of this week's recruiting column without a Tajh Boyd update, did you?

This week's update comes courtesy of Dave Johnson, the Daily Press' Peninsula District authority. Boyd, a recruit from Phoebus High who is considered by most recruiting analysts to be among the nation's top 10 quarterbacks, is visiting Oregon this weekend. He's considering scholarship offers from Oregon, Ohio State, Boston College and Virginia.

He hoped to bring his parents with him to Oregon, but earlier in the week, he didn't think he'd be able to do it. All of this recruiting travel and criss-crossing the country can be expensive. He was at Ohio State last weekend with his parents.

There's no specific timetable for his decision, but it doesn't look like he's going to make an announcement Jan. 3 in San Antonio at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl like he once had planned. After de-committing from West Virginia, and coming to an amicable split with Tennessee after committing to the Volunteers, you can't blame Boyd for wanting to get it right this time.
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Oh8ch had it right. Both schools have a lot to offer and top notch facilities. But when looking at traveling a few states vs. going all the way across the country, distance is gonna be a huge factor here. The things were arguing about may not even weight in to Tajh decision, he obviously had a great visit and it is gonna make it a tough choice.
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