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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

billmac91;1359600; said:
That video was put up on Youtube over a year ago.

Guys, be mindful that we have awful winter weather here in Columbus too. Heck, Columbus is lucky that we missed the 10 inches of snow that hit that state up north the last couple of days (Cooper's revenge?).

Enough with the weather updates from Oregon and let's get back to Tajh. The point has been made.
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ant80;1359553; said:
That reminds me to post this.

haha! in the Big Snow (most since 1979, first time school was cancelled due to snow since '79) on Wednesday, there were over 200 abandoned cars in Anthem, which is nestled up against the mountains in the southeast part of the Las Vegas valley. they couldn't get up the hills, so the owners just parked them and walked the rest of the way home. :lol:

edit: sorry, didn't see the reprimand. hope Tajh stayed safe!
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Boyd info from his visit.

Some of the people that mentioned the weather. The weather in Eugene all weekend was low 40s no snow but rain. Portland is 2 hours north of Eugene and had around a foot of snow which isnt typical. We get snow here every couple years. There is also an airport here that services to several of the major carriers so im not positive he would need to fly in our out of Portland.

Anyhow, the direct quote he gave his mom from the visit. "Mom, it will blow you away."

Directly in town there isnt alot to do. 60 Minutes West and you are at the coast, 60 min east and you are into the mountains and skiing. 2 Hours north is Portland and there is alot more to do there. Lakes within 15 minutes of Campus as well during the summer. The Willamette river goes right through town which is good for floating or fishing or whatever you want to do there.

I guess it depends on what folks mean by "Nothing to do there"

What is there to do in Columbus that is so much better?

Good luck to you guys, he will be a good pickup for whoever lands him. I believe its down to Oregon and Ohio St. I really dont think BC is in the mix.
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Howry;1361640; said:
Boyd info from his visit.

Some of the people that mentioned the weather. The weather in Eugene all weekend was low 40s no snow but rain. Portland is 2 hours north of Eugene and had around a foot of snow which isnt typical. We get snow here every couple years. There is also an airport here that services to several of the major carriers so im not positive he would need to fly in our out of Portland.

Anyhow, the direct quote he gave his mom from the visit. "Mom, it will blow you away."

Directly in town there isnt alot to do. 60 Minutes West and you are at the coast, 60 min east and you are into the mountains and skiing. 2 Hours north is Portland and there is alot more to do there. Lakes within 15 minutes of Campus as well during the summer. The Willamette river goes right through town which is good for floating or fishing or whatever you want to do there.

I guess it depends on what folks mean by "Nothing to do there"

What is there to do in Columbus that is so much better?

Good luck to you guys, he will be a good pickup for whoever lands him. I believe its down to Oregon and Ohio St. I really dont think BC is in the mix.

Uhh...football! :p
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Howry;1361640; said:
Boyd info from his visit.

Some of the people that mentioned the weather. The weather in Eugene all weekend was low 40s no snow but rain. Portland is 2 hours north of Eugene and had around a foot of snow which isnt typical. We get snow here every couple years. There is also an airport here that services to several of the major carriers so im not positive he would need to fly in our out of Portland.

Anyhow, the direct quote he gave his mom from the visit. "Mom, it will blow you away."

Directly in town there isnt alot to do. 60 Minutes West and you are at the coast, 60 min east and you are into the mountains and skiing. 2 Hours north is Portland and there is alot more to do there. Lakes within 15 minutes of Campus as well during the summer. The Willamette river goes right through town which is good for floating or fishing or whatever you want to do there.

I guess it depends on what folks mean by "Nothing to do there"

What is there to do in Columbus that is so much better?

Good luck to you guys, he will be a good pickup for whoever lands him. I believe its down to Oregon and Ohio St. I really dont think BC is in the mix.

Nice post and some legit questions. Besides the tradition and prestige of being a Buckeye, I'm not sure what Columbus could offer. I do know that tOSU players are deified in Columbus...sometimes that is great for them and other times it is not such a good thing.

Thanks for the info
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"I don't know. Contend for NCs and play on a national stage"

Shrug, we probably woulda been in the NC game last year had Dixon not got hurt as well as the 3 QBs backing him up. We also finished #2 in the nation in 2001. Shrug


We are ranked 15th to your 10th so its not that far off.

"Things that aren't an hour or two away? "

Such as? I havent got a real answer to the question. Ive never been to Columbus so I was curious.
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Howry;1361665; said:
"I don't know. Contend for NCs and play on a national stage"

Shrug, we probably woulda been in the NC game last year had Dixon not got hurt as well as the 3 QBs backing him up. We also finished #2 in the nation in 2001. Shrug


We are ranked 15th to your 10th so its not that far off.

"Things that aren't an hour or two away? "

Such as? I havent got a real answer to the question. Ive never been to Columbus so I was curious.

we're just having some fun Howry.

Maybe i'm generalizing Eugene, but I'd imagine Columbus provides a 3:1 ratio in restaraunts, night life, entertainment, etc. I'm sure Eugene has bars and clubs, but I doubt it has the quantity of Columbus.

Plus as Grad stated, some people like a student body of 50,000+ deifying you....
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Most of the last seven years Oregon was unranked. The exception to the rule was being ranked and a BCS contender (twice).
Most of the last seven years Ohio State was in the title game (02, 06, 07) or very close (03, 05). The exception to the rule was not going to the bcs (twice).

Some people like quieter locales for collage. It's simply a preference thing, no sense in being defensive about it. Especially not when that leads to you comparing resumes and tradition. That simply doesn't make much sense.
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Howry;1361665; said:
"Things that aren't an hour or two away?"

Such as? I havent got a real answer to the question. Ive never been to Columbus so I was curious.

I believe it's the biggest metro area in a state with a population over 11 million. You figure it out. There's also the Columbus Blue Jackets, The Crew (MLS, and while I wasn't going to include this, you cited "skiing", so I guess it's just as likely :lol:), AAA baseball, and two of the top three or four amusement parks in the world are but a couple hours away.
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