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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

While the RS discussion is pretty much cart before the horse - OSU is in a bit of a pickle should Bauserrman leave.

We have been blessed the past few seasons. Rarely has our QB had his bell rung and had to sit a play or two, let alone suffer an injury that takes him out for a quarter, a half or an entire game.

It would seem very much a waste to not RS someone like Boyd given the stranglehold that TP will certainly have on the position. But if 2002 and 2007 taught us anything it is that the NC run is never a year away - it is now if the chips fall right. The way TP exposes himself to punishment the need for a competent backup to potentially save a NC run is a huge concern.

That said, the Frosh QB who can fill that role is the exception, not the rule, and it might be unrealistic to expect a true Frosh - even a player with Boyd's talent - to run this O and not make a costly mistake.

JT needs to find another solution. Ostorik? Ohrian Johnson? A JUCO with experience but not with out system? All seem as much wishful thinking as solid answers.

A pickle indeed.

But to get back on topic, should we be so fortunate as to land Boyd - IMO absolutely the plan should be a RS.
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Here is something to consider. We don't have a prolific offense anyways. At OSU there is alot less pressure for the QB to perform than at other places. If he goes to Oregon and gets put in as a back-up because Masoli(sp) goes down there is huge pressure to perform. We don't put all of our eggs in the offensive basket.
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brutus2002;1355667; said:

Here is something to consider. We don't have a prolific offense anyways. At OSU there is alot less pressure for the QB to perform than at other places. If he goes to Oregon and gets put in as a back-up because Masoli(sp) goes down there is huge pressure to perform. We don't put all of our eggs in the offensive basket.

I don't think selling "we don't have a prolific offense" is a very effective approach in recruiting top tier quarterbacks.
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mercer_buckeye;1355734; said:
Why not I believe we used the "we don't throw the ball" pitch with TP.

TOTALLY disagree. Pryor wanted to come here and develop into an NFL-ready QB. I'd assume, from everything I have read, Boyd wishes to do the same.

If Boyd commits it will be a huge get. I love that Ohio State moved so quickly on this kid. I've watched his film over and over, and think he's going to be a GOOD one.

Edit: If you were being sarcastic, I'm a moron. I might even be if you weren't. :wink:
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why burn a year, if he doesn't have too?

Unless you think he is going to overtake Terrelle, which WILL NOT happen. Not a dig at Tajh, but Tress didn't bench Todd, to then bench Terrelle for a new freshmen QB.

If you can, you let Tajh redshirt, and then allow him to battle for 2-3 years of PT depending on what happens with Terrelle's NFL declaration.
remember a certain bet about a certain all big ten qb not getting his job taken...
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brutus2002;1355667; said:

Here is something to consider. We don't have a prolific offense anyways. At OSU there is alot less pressure for the QB to perform than at other places. If he goes to Oregon and gets put in as a back-up because Masoli(sp) goes down there is huge pressure to perform. We don't put all of our eggs in the offensive basket.

I agree. We are not asking the QB position to throw the ball 30-40 times like Oklahoma or Texas. We are not asking the QB to read defenses like the OptionReadSpread like the school up north. This may be because we had a freshman running the offense this year. Pryor only attempted around 13-19 passes a game. (I know,PSU he attempted 25). The key to this approach is to have a strong running game. Will we have that next year? I don't know. I think an inexperienced/new QB can do better in a Jim Tressel system than in other systems.
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Seriously. Not even close to the same situation.

Absolutely. Boeckman was a senior with 5 years in the program who was coming off an All Big Ten season, a NC game and was being mentioned for the Heisman.

To be clear, I am absolutely not suggesting Pryor is in any way likely to lose his job. But the idea that Boeckman would lose his is only plausible in hindsight. Last February it was equally preposterous.
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Not really certain that the discussion should focus on Boyd beating out Pryor, but hey, anything can happen. More to the point, is that someone (sorry I forgot who), said that the way TP puts himself at risk on his scampers means that eventually, some defensive person will lay the wood to him, and potentially take out a knee, rib, etc. Not something that we would like to contemplate, but a definite possibility given TP's style of play.

Therefore, the coaches need to make certain that there is a capable back-up ready to jump in and continue to drive the team down the field, hopefully without missing a beat. Boyd may be that person. Every team needs back-ups, just for the injury-bug reason. But who would come to a team if there wasn't a possibility they would play, and/or had a chance to beat out the person ahead of them? I wouldn't, and you probably wouldn't either. So the coaches will have to 'sell' the #2 (or #3) on that aspect of the job.

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calibuck;1356831; said:
Not really certain that the discussion should focus on Boyd beating out Pryor, but hey, anything can happen. More to the point, is that someone (sorry I forgot who), said that the way TP puts himself at risk on his scampers means that eventually, some defensive person will lay the wood to him, and potentially take out a knee, rib, etc. Not something that we would like to contemplate, but a definite possibility given TP's style of play.

Therefore, the coaches need to make certain that there is a capable back-up ready to jump in and continue to drive the team down the field, hopefully without missing a beat. Boyd may be that person. Every team needs back-ups, just for the injury-bug reason. But who would come to a team if there wasn't a possibility they would play, and/or had a chance to beat out the person ahead of them? I wouldn't, and you probably wouldn't either. So the coaches will have to 'sell' the #2 (or #3) on that aspect of the job.


I'm estatic that it looks like Boyd is ours to lose, however, we will have a very capable backup in Bauserman next year, and he (Boyd) will have a battle on his hands should TP get injured or leave early. JB just may be a more mobile Todd Boeckman, with even greater arm strength. Competition should be fierce.

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Oh8ch;1356714; said:
To be clear, I am absolutely not suggesting Pryor is in any way likely to lose his job. But the idea that Boeckman would lose his is only plausible in hindsight. Last February it was equally preposterous.

Actually, it wasn't all that preposterous. Boeckman had just had three straight mediocre games, with two being losses. Of course, back in February we still didn't know for sure that Pryor was coming here, but the idea that Boeckman could get supplanted if he kept playing like he did in those three games wasn't so far-fetched. Pryor's last two games of the season this year (against Illinois and Michigan, just like last year) were both wins vice a loss and a win, with him playing respectably well in both (3 TDs, 1 INT total), so there are no rumblings about his play like there were about Boeckman (who had 0 TDs and 4 INT against Illinois and Michigan).

Pryor continues to improve, for the most part, week to week, whereas Boeckman seemed to have quit improving and even digressed. Unless Pryor totally falls apart in the Fiesta Bowl and the first couple games of next season, there's no chance that Bauserman or Boyd sniff the starting job.
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