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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

orko;1355389; said:
Would we redshirt Tajh if he came here?


guess on my part, but I think it depends on Joe Bauserman. If Joe stays, you redshirt Tajh to get nice seperation between Tajh and Terrelle. If Joe transfers, I'd assume Tajh doesn't take a redshirt. If Joe leaves, for Tajh not to redshirt, you'd need:

1. Terrelle to stay healthy all year
2. A walk-on to take mop up duty because Tressel wouldn't keep Terrelle in during huge blowouts.
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Buckrock;1355431; said:
If he enrolls in March, has Spring practice and then has fall camp, he could be ready to compete.

why burn a year, if he doesn't have too?

Unless you think he is going to overtake Terrelle, which WILL NOT happen. Not a dig at Tajh, but Tress didn't bench Todd, to then bench Terrelle for a new freshmen QB.

If you can, you let Tajh redshirt, and then allow him to battle for 2-3 years of PT depending on what happens with Terrelle's NFL declaration.
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billmac91;1355440; said:
why burn a year, if he doesn't have too?

Unless you think he is going to overtake Terrelle, which WILL NOT happen. Not a dig at Tajh, but Tress didn't bench Todd, to then bench Terrelle for a new freshmen QB.

If you can, you let Tajh redshirt, and then allow him to battle for 2-3 years of PT depending on what happens with Terrelle's NFL declaration.

Are you 100% positive Joe Bauserman is coming back?
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Buckrock;1355451; said:
Are you 100% positive Joe Bauserman is coming back?

No. I explained that in a previous post.

Assuming Joe moves on, I assume Tajh backs Terrelle up and doesn't redshirt unless:

Tressel would like to "try" and redshirt Tajh by:

1. Utilizing Terrelle all year and hope he stays healthy
2. Uses a walk-on in mop-up duty

A walk-on won't be as talented as Tajh, so an injury to Terrelle would force Tajh out of his redshirt.

It's all speculative at this point, but hopefully (IMO) Tajh is able to redhsirt and put as much seperation between he and Terrelle as possible. Not b/c Tajh won't be ready or can't play, but because it gives Tajh the maximum amount of plaing time should he decide to stay the max years.

Beyond all this, lets just hope Tajh becomes a Buckeye.
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billmac91;1355467; said:
No. I explained that in a previous post.

Assuming Joe moves on, I assume Tajh backs Terrelle up and doesn't redshirt unless:

Tressel would like to "try" and redshirt Tajh by:

1. Utilizing Terrelle all year and hope he stays healthy
2. Uses a walk-on in mop-up duty

A walk-on won't be as talented as Tajh, so an injury to Terrelle would force Tajh out of his redshirt.

It's all speculative at this point, but hopefully (IMO) Tajh is able to redhsirt and put as much seperation between he and Terrelle as possible. Not b/c Tajh won't be ready or can't play, but because it gives Tajh the maximum amount of plaing time should he decide to stay the max years.

Beyond all this, lets just hope Tajh becomes a Buckeye.

Sorry, i did not read your earlier post! My bad. :) It was good.
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