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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

OregonBuckeye;1368274; said:
Historically, yeah. Currently, that's a bit overboard.

Ok, can we say the last 5 years is "currently?"
Zero conference titles
Zero BCS Bowl Appearances
2-3 in the Civil War
2-2 in second tier Bowls (Holiday, Sun, Las Vegas) with one losing season
2 losses to non-BCS schools, including one of those by 30 points.

They would have a tough time landing a "second tier" job opening with that resume. :)
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heisman;1368353; said:
Ok, can we say the last 5 years is "currently?"
Zero conference titles
Zero BCS Bowl Appearances
2-3 in the Civil War
2-2 in second tier Bowls (Holiday, Sun, Las Vegas) with one losing season
2 losses to non-BCS schools, including one of those by 30 points.

They would have a tough time landing a "second tier" job opening with that resume. :)

I guess I didn't take 2nd tier literally enough. Yeah, they aren't on the big dogs level as far as consistency but I just mean they can at least compete with them now. I humbly take back what I said. My Oregon homerism got the best of me. :wink2:
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Historically, yeah. Currently, that's a bit overboard.
so what you are saying is although the facts are interesting they are irrelevant?

only two teams cant make that claim in the big ten (chicago and indiana) chicago quit the conference 84 years ago...

slot them how you want but facts are facts.

that being said oregon is a good school, with good facilities and has a lot going for it.
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edited your post to clarify who was making the prediction, as some put less stock in his predictions and track record. Also worth noting, he's calling Campbell to LSU.
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Last week I was 95 percent sure he would come here but now everyone is saying he is a duck.
no, they're not. Certainly a lot of national smoke in that direction, we'll see in 24 hours.
I am almost positive Campbell will be a Cane.
curious where this came from, given your fondness for what everyone is saying. LSU is the prediction for most with sources besides UM.

Both recruitments are similar, OSU/UM feeling confident, everyone else predicting against them.
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Tresselbeliever;1368881; said:
hmmm...looks like Boyd might be taken a liking to the Ducks offense after watching their bowl game? :wink2:

I'm always amazed with the fact that some recruits can watch a game and potentially make a decision as to that's where they want to go. I guess that's how the ball bounces in recruiting sometimes. I'm sure Tajh has put a to of thought into this but you wonder sometimes.
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buckeyboy;1369572; said:
I'm always amazed with the fact that some recruits can watch a game and potentially make a decision as to that's where they want to go. I guess that's how the ball bounces in recruiting sometimes. I'm sure Tajh has put a to of thought into this but you wonder sometimes.

That's literally what Fred Davis did, and after earning a couple of mil from the NFL, you can't really blame him for that.
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