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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Boyd's roller-coaster ride nearing an end
The top two items on Tajh Boyd's to-do list: Pick a college and get that bum knee taken care of.
By DAVE JOHNSON | ? 247-4649
January 8, 2009

HAMPTON - The date on the Boyd family calendar is circled: February 4th.

That's National Signing Day, the first day high school football prospects can sign their letters-of-intent. Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd hopes to have announced his pick by then. As of now, he's down to Ohio State and Oregon ? though things can always change.

But Feb. 4 is also Surgery Day, the day Boyd's worse-than-we-thought knee is to undergo reconstruction. How's that for a coincidence?

"I guess I could sign (the letter of intent) at the hospital," Boyd said with a laugh

Boyd says all schools recruiting him ? including West Virginia and Tennessee, his two previous commitments ? knew about the severity of the injury. He expects to be good to go by August, when preseason practice starts.

And since Oregon and Ohio State each have the quarter system, Boyd says he could graduate Phoebus early and enroll at either college in March.

"Oregon, their facilities are off the chart," Boyd said. "They have underwater treadmills and a whole lot of different technology some hospitals don't even have. That's a reason why Oregon is real high on my list."

That list has changed over the last several months, starting with Boyd's commitment to West Virginia in March and then to Tennessee in November. Now, with signing day less than four weeks away, the Pac-10 and Big Ten are battling it out.

But that could also change. Clemson is making a late and intense push, and Boyd might visit Death Valley this weekend. As of Tuesday night, he was leaning toward not taking what would be his final official visit.

"I've got it basically down to Ohio State and Oregon," he said. "I'm comfortable with those schools. And I'll probably commit in the next two weeks."

He's had plenty of suitors all along, and it's gotten even crazier since Saturday. Carla says she received a 10 p.m. call from Kansas State coach Bill Snyder earlier this week. Duke is trying to get involved. So is Virginia Tech. And Michigan. And South Carolina.

"I think any school I wanted to call up now," Tajh said, "I could go there."

Boyd's roller-coaster ride nearing an end -- dailypress.com
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Maan...that article really calmed my nerves. Key words were "as of tuesday night". Maybe that push that Clemson was putting on wasn't as serious as we had thought? That paired with the fact that JT's inhome visit is coming up (and we all know JT is dynamite with the parents) makes me feel much better about our prospects. In the end I hope that Tajh makes the right choice for him and his future! I just hope it's at Ohio State...
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Oregon, their facilities are off the chart," Boyd said. "They have underwater treadmills and a whole lot of different technology some hospitals don't even have. That's a reason why Oregon is real high on my list.

Hopefully JT will pass along a refresher on the Woody Hayes renovation and the facilities available, from a Dispatch article (The Columbus Dispatch : Renovated facility gives OSU shrine to sweat in )

Injuries, though, always have been a part of college football. That's where the get-wet part of the renovation comes in. There are two huge, hot- and cold-plunge tubs, and a large rehabilitation pool with a treadmill-like belt on the bottom and water flowing through for resistance.
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As I'm more nervous about landing Mr. Boyd's talents then I was two weeks ago, I'm glad he said He should commit in two weeks, which gives us time to get a QB just in case. It's amazing two weeks ago I would have said, doubtful on Marlon and doubtless on Tahj... but those are both moving toward each other.
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ant80;1376005; said:
That would also be a violation of NCAA. Remember McKnight and Reggie Bush?

Accurate statement aside .a-80, that scenario seemed to work out pretty well for SC in the end. Somehow I don"t think the Bucks would escape with a nod and a wink from the ncaa and the recruiting world like the Trojan gods have so far.
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osugrad21;1376412; said:
BN$--Tressel Makes Home Visit With Boyd

Tajh was visited by JT, Coach Bollman, and Coach Siciliano. He loved it and considered committing, says Mom and Dad love the Buckeyes, but he is wary of the QB situation in Columbus.
If it's the depth chart and he's down to Oregon and tOSU, both have tough sledding ahead for the next couple years. The Oregon kid, Masoli (SP?), really solidified himself with his bowl performance. Seems to me, if he was so hung up on immediate playing time, he'd pick a school closer to home. That's why Clemson seemed so appealing, but now they're supposedly out? Either way, tough choice for the young man. I continue to keep my fingers crossed.
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I hope this isnt a case of Boyd looking at the depth chart and seeing "T. Pryor" and saying "man, that is 5 star Terrelle Pryor, no way I play over him"... and then looking at Oregon and seeing "J. Masoli", and saying "Never heard of him, i could probably beat him out"

Cause really if you look at it, Masoli is a darn good QB, and will likely be the starter at Oregon the next two yrs
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I'm still thinking he'll need a redshirt year (correct? ACL injury+ just being a freshman QB).

After that, he could be looking at either 2/3 years (depending on Pryor's NFL draft status) of starting if good enough or if he's REALLY good- he comes in and can steal some snaps while Pryor goes out to WR (just throwing it out there).

Good luck no matter what, Mr. Boyd. We could really use him, but any team could.
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