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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

ScriptOhio;1376583; said:
I just read the last few pages of this thread and in just a few short days it went from:

It is between Ohio State and Oregon to
Oregon looks like the leader to
Ohio State is almost a lock to
Michigan is now in the picture to
he will visit Clemsom to
Clemson is the current leader to
it is now between Ohio State and Oregon.

Recruiting speculation...don't you just love it?...:biggrin:

Hey give the player and his family credit, apparently he/they made a couple of ill-timed and/or quick decisions (commited to Tennessee and West Virginia; and then decomitted), learned from the past experiences, want to get as much information as possible, take their time in going over and comparing everything, and make the right decision that is in Tajh's best interest.


The funny thing is....if newspapers, recruiting websites, etc didn't call the kid every hour, no one would have done any of that speculating.

Think about how quickly that family decided that OSU and Oregon were two good choices and that he should choose one of them.

-Michigan's website called and said "hey what about Michigan"

-Clemson's website called because some DB at the Army game asked him about Clemson while he was trying to talk about his experience in San Antonio.

-A newspaper calls him on Tuesday night and his decision to not go to Clemson has already been decided....one day after it was brought up.

Yet, now the kid is wishy washy and can't make up his mind....man it has to be frustrating for them.
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osugrad21;1376570; said:
Scout$--Boyd Visited By Tressel, Down To Two Schools

Tim Boyd describes the visit, says the Clemson visit is likely out, praises tOSU coaches and the '09ers parents he and his wife mingled with in San Antonio. He says Tajh cannot worry about a depth chart since he has to compete at every school.

VERY positive article.

Sounds like the parents love Tressel. No surprise there. How can you not love Papi McSweatervest? :)
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Daunting depth charts for Tajh

As he continues to ponder his college choice, Phoebus High quarterback Tajh Boyd undoubtedly will weigh many factors, academics, location, facilities and social life among them.

Perhaps the most tangible element to the equation, and one we outsiders can parse, is the depth charts at the respective programs he?s considering. So without further ado, here?s a glance at the quarterback personnel for the three schools Boyd ranks as his finalists: Clemson, Ohio State and Oregon.

None of the three, by the way, has accepted a quarterback commitment for its 2009 recruiting class, according to lists compiled by Rivals.com.

Clemson: Two-year starter Cullen Harper completed his eligibility, with rising sophomore Willy Korn and redshirt freshman Kyle Parker the leading candidates to replace him.

Since-deposed coach Tommy Bowden benched Harper at midseason, and Korn started the Tigers? loss to Georgia Tech before returning to backup duty. Korn finished the season with 216 passing yards and one touchdown. He was a Parade and SuperPrep All-American as a high school senior in South Carolina and participated in the 2007 U.S. Army all-star game ? Boyd was MVP of the ?09 edition.

Clemson redshirted two freshmen this season: Parker and Jon Richt, the latter the son of Georgia coach Mark Richt. Parker was a marquee recruit out of Jacksonville, Fla., choosing the Tigers over Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech and Nebraska. Richt was not as well-regarded.

Parker enrolled in January, 2008, and became a freshman All-American baseball player, hitting .303 with 14 home runs as a designated hitter, rightfielder and third baseman. This spring he?ll juggle football practice and baseball.

?This will be my first time being able to compete for a job with the football team,? Parker told the Columbia State newspaper. ?So I?m real excited about that.?

dailypress.com - Teel time
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wadc45;1376624; said:
I meant "I'll feel good when the ink is dry"...I'm as confident as anyone that OSU will land Boyd, but you can bet other schools are going to work on him until NLOID.

I think Mr. Boyd is heavily involved in this decision process, and therefore we're not going to see a last minute change of mind. Im confident that if he picks us in the next week or so, it's going to stick. The family sounds very involved.
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wadc45;1376624; said:
I meant "I'll feel good when the ink is dry"...I'm as confident as anyone that OSU will land Boyd, but you can bet other schools are going to work on him until NLOID.

Just took a quick look at the recruiting classes, as they stand right now, that TB would go in with at both Oregon & Clemson, Rivals ranked 43rd & 31st respectively, should he be so inclined to choose them over us....and I just can't imagine that he would go that way, given the level of talent that he himself believes that he has.

Other than Clemson's McNeal, there is not a notable receiver among them, not yet anyway. Oregon has only 2 4stars, both with limited eligibility: DT Thompson, whom I believed we looked at long and hard early in the process in '08, and DB Leon, who could end up being a monster.

Clemson's class overall, so far, has a few strong prospects, but nothing even remotely close to our stellar batch at virtually everywhere...including a possible addition from his Gold Star protection in the AA game and the guy that made the leap on the the first touchdown he threw that started the momentum for him in the game.

Like my main man, 45, won't be relaxing any time before the ink dries, but I'm stepping out on the ledge on MrBoyd.
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Buckeyecty4;1376750; said:
I think Mr. Boyd is heavily involved in this decision process, and therefore we're not going to see a last minute change of mind. Im confident that if he picks us in the next week or so, it's going to stick. The family sounds very involved.

I agree. He has committed twice now, and therefore thought the recruiting process was over twice now. For various reasons, it is not. Seems to me that he would be ready for the entire process to finally be over.
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MONTbigBuck;1376794; said:
FWIW...I see where Buckcrazy over at Bnuts said Clemson is trying to use a package deal including his younger brother to get into the mix.

I know Kurelic maintains that a Clemson visit could still happen...which of course anything could still happen...but as of last night both he and his father said that it was not likely. Take that FWIW...
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Scout.com: Too Little, Too Late? (free)

By Allen Wallace
National Recruiting Editor
Posted Jan 8, 2009

One of the benefits of performing so terrifically on the Army All-America big stage is the new attention that Tajh Boyd is now receiving. However, he says it may be too little, too late. "A lot of new schools have been trying to jump on me and are trying to get me," Boyd said. "I've got Michigan, Clemson and Kansas State all talking to me a lot right now. I wish it had come sooner though..."


Tajh's father, Tim, says the Clemson trip isn't likely to happen, at least not immediately. "Tajh wants to enroll in college in March and he’s got a lot of on-line Internet work to get done this weekend," Mr. Boyd said. "He might visit Clemson later, but not this weekend."

Mr. Boyd thinks Oregon might have a slight lead over Ohio State. "They have a lot going for them. He wants to major in sports management, and they are good for that. Plus, they have the Nike thing…and Chip Kelly (offensive coordinator) is a genius as far as working with quarterbacks. I think Oregon would be in the lead and I'm fine with him going that far away. We could relocate there. I used to be in the military and I’m used to living in different places. If he chose Ohio State, we'd go to Ohio too," Mr. Boyd explained.
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Mr. Boyd thinks Oregon might have a slight lead over Ohio State. "They have a lot going for them. He wants to major in sports management, and they are good for that. Plus, they have the Nike thing?and Chip Kelly (offensive coordinator) is a genius as far as working with quarterbacks. I think Oregon would be in the lead and I'm fine with him going that far away. We could relocate there. I used to be in the military and I?m used to living in different places.
Not when you take into account that.
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