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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Rivals $


From the Oregon site...says he is officially down to Oregon and Ohio State...talks about speaking with both staffs in person recently and also a phone conversation with a certain OSU QB.

FWIW, the reported announcement that was supposed to come today is off...
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The Martin thing could go one of two ways: either Tajh's family views this as Martin trying to exploit his relationship with them to land a job and further his career, or they see this as an opportunity for Tajh to continue working with a quarterbacking mentor. It sounds, to me, like the former situation is more accurate...but what do I know?
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:oh:The one thing TAJH MA HALL should take note of . We THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY have more fans at our spring game than the ducks have at any game during there home season. Thats the difference between Big Boy BALL . And High School ball
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